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Time for Self Love

Posted on September 13, 2012 by

Its time to think about how you have loved and nurtured yourself this year. I started this year with a focus on self love, its only now I’m starting to fully integrate it more daily. It takes personal commitment and focus not to be distracted and stay with your personal practices.

Have you done enough?
Has self care and self nurturing become a daily habit for you?
Are your distractions creating imbalance in your life?

Its exactly 3 months until 12/12/12, my alarm bells went of this morning and motivated me to go for an early morning walk, spring at Avoca Beach, how delightful, my favorite time of year. My walk this morning motivated me into beginning my teaching programs and focus on 2013. To be truthful its been really hard to project myself into 2013, I’ve felt like I needed to wait. I’m not big on creating huge plans as I know how often things change when we work with spirit and are open to flow. I’m more spontaneous and love to go with the energy that I’m aligned with as things change so fast these days with huge energy influxes opening our personal evolution to incredible heights.

Spirit is calling me to run the next Divine Feminine Platinum Ray Priestess Program. So very soon I will be running some Platinum Ray Angel Activations, and a Self Love retreat for deep nurturing, the re-requisite for those who are interested in participating in the full program or wish to increase their personal vibration or reactivate themselves.

The Lemurian priestess program teaches you how to work with and integrate the Elohim, Platinum Ray and Platinum Alchemy Energy Medicines into your current healing modalities. How to understand the path of ascension, read and map healing programs for your clients as you work with the source light, divine feminine, divine masculine Platinum Ray and setting up your healing temple with crystalline grids.

You will go through many initiation processes to increase your personal vibration which will activate your memory and Lemurian ancestral wisdom preparing you to activate, open and provide guidance to others.

If you like more information as it comes to hand, please sign up to my blog and I can send you more info on dates and locations.

If you’d like me to come to your area and run a program with your group, I love traveling to meet new priestesses, so please contact me