What are Flower Essences?
Pure Balance® flower essences hold the vibrational energy imprints of flowers. Each flower has its own energy ‘Life Force”, which is the highest vibrational aspect of a plant. This has been transferred into pure water and stabilized further with our unique alchemical processes to create a beautiful essence which integrates, earth, you and the stars providing new levels of awareness supporting a return to PureBalance. The individual flowers hold their own alchemy and connection to the earth, you and stars as they work on the subtle layers of your personal energy system. Flower essences can awaken the mind, calm the emotions and allow for new pathways of energy, light and sound to work through your chakras, meridians and axiatonal spin points ‘activating a new energy pathway system supporting personal transformation into light consciousness. Flower essences are wonderful remedies to support life change and can help with limiting beliefs, negative thoughts, patterns and behaviours creating confusion, lethargy, stagnation and even depression.
Pure Balance® Flower essences are made from Australian wildflowers, created on-site in nature. Each essence has been sourced from many wildcrafting ventures.
In 1999, the body of work ‘Ohlara’ Kim channeled with the Arcturian light being healers for light leaders, lightworkers, star seeds, and healers introduced me to an amazing channel that gifted her a huge Herkimer diamond. I was given this special Herkimer diamond to learn and share more about the ascension process that humanity was preparing to undergo, so I could support myself and others coming forward for mentoring and healing.
There are many special gems and crystals, but Herkimer’s are truly for this time in history. They are powerful ascension tools for lightworkers, healers, and those on an awakening path as they hold special frequencies to help us understand our own unique nature.
The most powerful message from the Herkimer for this time is that their energy helps us to ‘begin again in our lifetime’, as well as allowing us to recognize our own inner space and to remember there is ‘nothing to become‘ – what we have been seeking is only to be actualized! A beautiful message for each one of us.
Herkimer energy assists in clearing the body-mind system of unconscious fears and repressions, allowing total relaxation and expansion of the life force which greatly supports our personal increasing frequency.
Herkimer is also an attunement stone and will stimulate clairvoyance, and clairaudience and assist in prescience and telepathic communication. All these attributes are part of our personal awakening process. Adding Herkimer energy into this flower essence range provides a rapid action to support those ready to awaken and understand their inner nature.
‘Nothing to become’, simply relaxing into life to connect to our deeper wisdom where our true answers will come forth. Herkimer truly speaks sacred wisdom to those ready to listen as he shows us how to detoxify and clear the many programs that have corrupted our true essence. This is the essence of Platinum Alchemy Transformation.
Herkimer goes a step further and supports the clearing of radiation and supports the reflection of these harmful rays. It helps disperse toxins that have been held in the body and supports re-building the cellular structure which is essential in biological crystalline conversion. It also relaxes rigidity in the tissue cells as it supports detoxification and supports each flower essence to work as speedy as possible in remembering and releasing emotional memory and energy blockages creating imbalances of body, emotions, mind, and soul.
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