Zeolite Collection

Crystal Detox Zeolite 800gm

Crystal Detox zeolite-clinoptilolite is based on a unique crystalline mineral called zeolite-clinoptilolite in a pure natural form, totally safe for all ages.

Crystal Detox is made of pure crystalline minerals known as zeolites. Zeolites are comprised of a group of over 200 minerals that have a unique cage-like crystal structure. They are formed when volcanic molten lava meets the sea.

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Zeolite Detox Products

What is Zeolite?

The specific zeolite-clinoptilolite mineral is highly active and abundant in Crystal Detox Bath and Crystal Detox ‘Digestive Detox” Nutritional making up for over 85% of the natural mineral composition.

This active ingredient has been documented in many scientific studies as being beneficial to our health and the health of our environment. Australian clinoptilolite zeolite is known to be one of the best in the world due to its high level of hardness on the geological Mohs scale.

Crystal Detox zeolite-clinoptilolite has positively charged ions and a cage-like structure that attracts negatively charged particles.

Toxins which cause the most damage to our bodies are also negatively charged, so this makes Crystal Detox Bath an extremely beneficial product for our bodies because it has the capacity to trap toxins within its crystalline framework and draw them from the body via our largest organ in the body, the skin.

We have made and used Zeolite detox products, ‘Crystal Detox’ zeolite-clinoptilolite for over 20 years in our spiritual and naturopathic detoxication healing programs and as part of the Platinum Alchemy Transformational Healing System for lightworkers, star seeds, coaches, healers, and with this experiencing complex and challenging health conditions.

The 1st step to detoxification requires an understanding of how we are exposed and affected by environmental toxins.

Crystal Detox zeolite-clinoptilolite, detoxification supports all levels of detoxification: from environmental toxins, low-level radiation, EMFs, 5G, emotional toxicity, radiation, chemotherapy, and cancer treatments to cellular emotional, mental and spiritual ascension. light body symptoms. It can be used safely on all ages to support a return to the alkaline state of health.

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