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Platinum Awakening Gem Flower Essence


Each Divine Feminine Platinum Alchemy ingredient has been created on country in communion with the plant and land by Kim ‘Ohlara”. Part of ancient Shamanic Wellness tradition.

Single remedies in this essence are also available in 30 ml dose bottles.


Scarlet feather flower – acceptance

Support for working together with others | integration into life when feeling isolated.

Smokebush WA – clarity

Supports a clear mind when feeling lost in life to feel whole and integrated.

Woolly dragon – trust

Learning to live moment to moment and feeling safe and supported to do so.

Silky leaved bloodflower – life support

Feeling swamped with life’s demands | refocus on available support.

Bottlebrush – detoxification

Internal cleanser during major life changes, bringer of angelic support.

Drumsticks – awakening

Softens and integrates heart and mind, softens personality, awakens lost wisdom.

Orange blossom orchid – spiritual protection

Elevates mood knowing all will be fine. Protects in the highest spiritual love.

Flannel flower – sensuality

Safer intimacy expression and connection | Joy in touch, sensuality, and trust.

Blue Sapphire – spiritual truth, love, and purity

Supports you to stay on the spiritual path, used in shamanic ceremonies to transmute negative energies

Lapis Lazuli – opens the third eye

Balances throat chakra, stimulates enlightenment and enhances dream work. Releases stress and brings deep peace.

Kyanite – Tranquility, and amplifier of high-frequency energy

Stimulates psychic abilities, and encourages speaking truth cutting through fears and blockages.

Clear Quartz – focus 

Multidimensional stone in the mineral kingdom for healing, meditation, expansion of consciousness, communication with guides, past-life recall, attracting love or prosperity, or virtually any purpose.

Herkimer Diamond – new beginnings

Herkimer encourages the concept of beginning again in this lifetime, clearing the body-mind system of unconscious fears and repressions, and allowing for total relaxation and expansion of the Life energy. [Melody, 319]

Additional information

Weight 200 g


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