JOY Chakra Oil


5 ml roll-on | comes with your special invocation to call in the frequencies of the angels, and ascension rays to support a rapid increase in personal vibration.


Chakra Support:

Crown Chakra: soul reconnection, Heart Chakra: opening

Key Words:

Exhaustion, Tiredness, Overwork, Overgiving, Convalescence

Angelic Support Offered Using Joy Chakra Oil

The gift of rejuvenation is with you today.

We have been watching over you and know-how

difficult it has been for you as you have been so giving

and giving so much energy to others.

We want you to open your heart once again so we offer you

the gift of deep rejuvenation and rest.

Take time out to spend with yourself so we may work with you on the inner planes

To further help restore your life force.


Only 2 left in stock


We have created these light tools to support your transformation and rapidly expand your personal vibration. We encourage you to browse through these offerings to help yourself. If you feel that you would like personal help, please reach out to me via a discovery call where we can have a short chat and I can share how I can create something really special and unique for you.

Additional information

Weight 500 g
Platinum Alchemy Chakra Healing Oil

Sensual Self Love, Earth Spirit, Tranquility, Goddess, Joy, Meditation, Angelic, Awakening, Transition, Peace, Enlightenment, Oneness


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