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Platinum JOY Organic Herbal Tea


Joy organic herbal tea is a platinum ascension alchemy plant energy medicine, which has been Naturopathically developed to support the body’s detoxification pathways for cellular healing and cell rebuilding, during times of cellular memory transformation and release during crystalline cell conversion and energetic upgrades.

Joy Platinum Alchemy Energy Medicine is for Exhaustion, Tiredness, and Burnout.

This special blend of organic herbs supports light the body transitional changes to ease transitional symptoms affecting the physical body, we have worked with this unique formula for over 25 years.


Formulated by Kim Lansdowne-Walker, Naturopathic Medical Herbalist/Ascension Alchemist

If you have a physical health concern, it is recommended that you consult a professional healthcare provider

You can speak to Kim via this booking link for further support.

30 days supply  – 2.8 gm/serve



Joy organic herbal tea is a Platinum Alchemy plant energy medicine, which has been Naturopathically developed to support the body’s detoxification pathways supporting cell healing and cell rebuilding during times of deeper cell memory transformation, during crystalline cell conversion energetic upgrades.

Joy organic herbal tea is for Exhaustion, Tiredness, and Burnout.

This special blend of organic herbs supports light body transitional changes easing transitional symptoms affecting the physical body and emotional body. We have worked with this unique formula for over 25 years supporting clients’ physical and spiritual rejuvenation requirements.

Formulated by Kim Lansdowne-Walker, Naturopathic Medical Herbalist/Ascension Alchemist

If you have a physical health concern, it is recommended that you consult a professional healthcare provider

You can speak to Kim via this booking link for further support.

Energetically Joy organic herbal tea and the Joy Alchemy product range work to:

  • Reenergize the subtle energy body from retracting on itself
  • Open and balance the heart and crown chakra to be able to give more freely
  • Support physical emotional, and mental, rejuvenation and gently reenergize from long-term exhaustion
  • Spiritually attunes one to a source of support in times of deeper transformation
  • Joy Alchemy helps with a deeper understanding of the core addictions behind exhaustion and overwork

Joy Alchemy range provides Angelic and Earth support, nourishment, and nurturing through times of deep cellular transformation that create great stresses upon the body, emotions, mind, and spirit.


Certified Organic Herbs: Rehmannia, Damiana, Marshmallow, Ashwagandha, Lemon Myrtle, Orange, Licorice, Ginger, Blue Mallow flowers


1 heaped teaspoon, infused in freshly boiled water, infuse for 20 minutes before drinking

Additional information

Weight 500 g


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