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Platinum MEDITATION Organic Herbal Tea


Meditation organic herbal tea platinum alchemy supports the body’s detoxification pathways during times of cellular memory detoxification and cellular transformation during release for crystalline cell conversion.

Meditation Platinum Alchemy Energy Medicine supports the release of Fear, Anxiety which is often picked up by others. It acts as a grounding and detoxification tonic to support deep cellular purification from that which has been energetically absorbed.

Very specific for empaths, healers and light leaders who work with many people.

As well as grounding this special blend of organic herbs supports light body changes and eases transitional symptoms affecting the cellular physical body.

Meditation Herbal Tea is used for

  • Migraines
  • Nervous exhaustion
  • Tonic for the liver
  • Digestive upsets
  • Emotional disturbance

Chakra support

Traditional Use
Aid digestion in acidic conditions, digestive detoxification, increase energy levels and stamina, calm and restore anxiety and tension.

Emotional use
Calms, supports and grounds the spirit allowing protection of the subtle bodies whilst releasing old emotional memory. 

Platinum Alchemy Energetic use
Facilitates and supports energy flow through all chakras as it supports cleansing and grounding.



Meditation Organic Herbal Tea has been formulated with organic medicinal herbs to support the cellular detoxification process experienced during energy expansion and increase in frequency or ascension.

  • To expand in consciousness our cells throw off metabolic toxins via, old beliefs and memories that no longer serve us. This process can be very uncomfortable with no support.
  • Earth Mother has given us the medicines to support ourselves, heal the past, and regenerate into our new expanded state.

These formulas have been gifted from highly benevolent light beings supporting our ascension process.


They have been used for over 25 years as part of the Platinum Alchemy Transformational Healing System – transforming consciousness into love through cellular expansion for those on a conscious spiritual path.

Energetic Medicine Uses


  • Vervain – Facilitates energies through the third eye.
  • Dandelion Root – facilitates and balances energies from the Hara to Solar Plexus Chakra
  • Jasmine Flowers – Facilitate and balance energies through Base and Soul Star Chakra
  • Meadowsweet – Faciliates and balances energies from Hara (Sacral) to Solar Plexus Chakra
  • Yarrow – Faciliates and balances energies through the Base Chakra

Traditional Medicine Use


  • Vervain
  • Dandelion Root
  • Jasmine Flowers
  • Meadowsweet
  • Yarrow


Additional information

Weight 0.100 g

Organic therapeutic grade herbs of Vervain, Dandelion Root, Meadowsweet, Yarrow and Jasmine flowers

How to Use

Add one teaspoon to tea pot or infuser, pour over 1 cup of fresh boiled water. Infuse herbs for 15 to 20 minutes to receive full nutrients.


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