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Platinum SELF LOVE Organic Herbal Tea


Self Love organic herbal tea platinum alchemy supports the body’s detoxification pathways during times of cellular memory transformation and release for crystalline cell conversion.

Self Love Platinum Alchemy Energy Medicine is for Fear, Anxiety and Healing Relationships
This special blend of organic herbs supports light body changes and eases transitional symptoms affecting the physical body.

Energetically this group of products works to:

  • Help heal emotional wounds
  • Open the heart center chakra to allow for release of stress and tension
  • Strengthening and grounding an individual
  • Spiritually attunes one to the energy of love
  • Helps spiritualise relationships to bring about a feeling of peace, dispelling anger

All providing one with a sense of support, nourishment and nurturing through times of deep cellular transformation and transition of healing relationships with one self and others.


Self Love organic herbal tea platinum alchemy supports the body’s detoxification pathways during times of cellular memory transformation and release for crystalline cell conversion.

Self Love Platinum Alchemy Energy Medicine is for Fear, Anxiety and Healing Relationships
This special blend of organic herbs supports light body changes and eases transitional symptoms affecting the physical body.

Energetically this group of products works to:

  • Help heal emotional wounds
  • Open the heart center chakra to allow for release of stress and tension
  • Strengthening and grounding an individual
  • Spiritually attunes one to the energy of love
  • Helps spiritualise relationships to bring about a feeling of peace, dispelling anger

All providing one with a sense of support, nourishment and nurturing through times of deep cellular transformation and transition of healing relationships with one self and others.

Additional information

Weight 500 g


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