Zeolite Heavy Metal Detox Powder 450gm


Toxin Removal System

SAFE Heavy Metal Removal – 3-month supply

Whole Body Detox for a Healthier Life

  • Add to your smoothies or add to a big glass of water pleasant tasting.
  • Safe for all ages
  • Heavy Metal Detox for the whole body.
  • Detox Viruses and prevent bacterial and fungal growth
  • Detox Digestive System
  • Detox Lymphatic System
  • Detox Environmental Toxins
  • Detox Chemical and Drug Toxins
  • Post-Immunization Detox
  • Prepare for a healthy conception



Crystal Detox Zeolite is a highly micronized organic grade Australian Zeolite Clinoptilolite with organic and biologically mined certification from Australian Organics (this means it is super fine and it has been mined according to organic standards and biological farming practices with minimal impact on the Earth Mother.)
It is finer and is the hardest Zeolite Clinoptilolite mineral on the Mohs geological scale of hardness. This offers higher drawing power, deeper penetration properties than other zeolites on the market.

Like all my products Crystal Detox Zeolite is activated with high-frequency cosmic healing rays which further potentiate its energetic healing properties. additionally…

  • Products are hand-made, filled, or hand-packed by healers who vibe love when packing them.
  • You support local and Australian-produced products.
  • Small-scale hand-made manufacturing practices reduce wastage and environmental contamination of the Earth Mother.
  • We have over 20 years of clinical experience using Crystal Detox Zeolite to share with you.
  • Product packing is 100% compostable or recyclable to help support the prevention of environmental pollution.
  • Yearly, we donate a % of Crystal Detox Zeolite profits to environmental and/or animal rescue causes.

cruelty free vegan

In stock (can be backordered)


Crystal Detox digestive detox powder is 100% PURE Zeolite clinoptilolite
Our pure Zeolite supplement is the highest ‘natural’ grade of Australian Zeolite available in Australia.


Crystal Detox Zeolite is a unique crystalline mineral made of pure crystalline minerals from the zeolite family. Zeolites are comprised of a group of over 200 minerals that have a unique cage-like crystal structure. The crystalline structure is formed during the cooling process when volcanic molten lava meets the sea. We have had the privilege to see this occur in the last few years with volcanic eruptions in Hawaii and more recently the Fijian Islands. Mother Nature certainly knows what we need and provides this on many levels. Our Australian Zeolite has been biologically and organically mined and has Biological Organic Certification. It comes from ancient volcanic beds running inland on the East Coast of Australia where the ocean waters once met the land.

The specific zeolite mineral which is active and abundant in Crystal Detox Supplement is called clinoptilolite. This active ingredient has been documented in many scientific studies as being beneficial to our health and the health of our environment. Australian clinoptilolite zeolite is known to be one of the best in the world due to its hardness on the Mohs scale, this means that the cage-like crystalline structure is extremely stable even when it is finely powdered and micronized. This enables it to work extremely well.

Crystal Detox Zeolite is positively charged at an atomic level, and toxins that cause the most damage to our bodies are negatively charged. This makes Crystal Detox Zeolite an extremely beneficial product for our bodies because it has the capacity to trap toxins with its crystalline framework and draw them from the body.

Now you have the choice to use Crystal Detox Zeolite as a dietary supplement or as a bath.

Our Crystal Detox Bath is not as fine as the NEW supplement, so we only suggest using the NEW higher grade as a supplement.



  • Body detoxification (eliminates heavy metals, pesticides, toxins)
  • Eliminates free radicals
  • Transforms radioactive Cs and Sr
  • Keeps optimal blood pH 7,35-7,45
  • Increases immune system stability
  • Healthy Digestion system – removing toxins,
  • Leaky Gut
  • Diarrhea
  • Elevates the mood
  • Osteoporosis and bone healing
  • Disassembles kidney stones and sand
  • Helps in relieving osteoporosis and rheumatoid arthritis discomforts
  • Neutralizes food, drink and environmental allergens
  • Lowers blood sugar in type 2 Diabetes
  • Lowers lactic acid build-up level
  • Helps fight viral, bacterial, fungal infections
  • Raises serotonin level (happiness hormone)
  • Regulates sleeping rhythm
  • Normalizes lymph and endocrine activity
  • Cardiovascular health
  • Liver disease
  • Lung disease
  • Helps prevent birth defects by removing toxins, and preparing for a healthy conception.
  • Neurodegenerative Disease

Starting your Crystal Detox Zeolite supplement (Adult ONLY Detoxification Protocol)


Contact your health provider for use in children, elderly or if experiencing illness – BOOK A TELEHEALTH HEALTH CONSULTATION WITH US

Always take 30-60 minutes before or after medications or nutritional supplements, best used on rising, mid-morning and before bed. Increase your water intake for each 1 tsp of supplement drink 2 extra glasses of water a day.

Week 1.

Take one (1) tsp day, first thing in the morning in a large glass of water for 7 days – increase water intake to 8 full glasses of pure water a day. This is also the maintenance dose.

Week 2.

Increase to two (2) teaspoons a day. Take one tsp in the morning on rising and the second tsp one or more hours after the last food intake ie. evening meal.

Keep water intake higher, take 10 glasses of pure water a day.

Week 3.

Increase to three (3) tsp a day in week 3. if you want to treat or support a specific health problem or complete a seasonal detox. E.g. heavy metal toxicity, environmental toxicity, chronic health conditions, drug residue detox, post-vaccination support, radiation or chemotherapy detox. 

(Do not use Crystal Detox Zeolite Clinoptilolite Detox Supplement if you are under current cancer treatment unless you are working with your healthcare provider)



To support your whole body detoxification it is recommended to add regular Crystal Detox Zeolite Balneotherapy Baths to support an internal detoxification program. This supports lymphatic detoxification, skin and organ cleanse. Our baths are also very effective in removing low frequencies from the aura, regular bathing supports whole-body health, including emotional, mental and spiritual health.

For best results take two (2) baths a week to support whole-body detoxification and health.

Daily Showering


Additionally use the Crystal Detox Zeolite and Olive Oil soap between bathing, this will keep your skin clear, remove environmental toxins, EMF’s, and chemtrail fallout.



After you have followed your detox program and have the results you desire it is recommended to follow a maintenance program of 1 tsp a day, and 1 bath a week.

Take 30-60 minutes before or after medications or nutritional supplements



To receive further support for your individual condition, organize a hair analysis to check your mineral health status contact us for naturopathic health consultation, and dietary health support, currently all consultations are via telehealth online via zoom. 


For wholesale orders, please contact Kim for details.

For international orders and shipping please contact us for an accurate shipping price before placing your order.

I welcome your enquiry on my product ranges and services.

If you have questions on the best way forward for yourself or your loved ones, I would be more than happy to be a guide for you, according to your physical and personal needs.

To chat with me click the link to see my availability.
Book discovery chat with Kim

Additional information

Weight 600 g
Dimensions 16 × 7 × 21 cm
Pack Size

450 gm


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