East Australian Smokebush with Herkimer Diamonds


East Australian Smokebush 30ml

Conospermum taxifolium| Infused with Herkimer diamonds

Platinum Alchemy Chakra Keys

Crown Chakra, Third Eye Chakra, Heart Chakra and Base Chakra

Floral Alchemy Oracle Elemental Healing Keys

Earth |  Air

Support to share your wisdom of higher soul light with that of the lower planes | Breakthrough

Healing Properties through

Breakthrough | Unravelling confusion| Spirit Connection| Grounding

East Australian Smokebush teaches us how to BREAKTHROUGH at times when we feel confused.

The element of air flows through the mind supporting a reconnection to the spirit.

Air element washes away a foggy head so we can gain clarity in our next moves.

The perfect supportive Australian WildFlower essence to BREAKTHOUGH when disconnection from spirit creates confusion and we are left feeling ungrounded and unsafe to know what to do in our next steps.

East Australian Smokebush teaches us, it is safe to seek professional advice and counsel when we cannot see the forest from the trees. With clarity comes spiritual Wisdom and once reconnected to spirit with grounding your wisdom can be fully grounded to walk the path of an embodied Soul.

Counsel is available to you, allow yourself to seek professional help instead of feeling like you have been thrown into a firey confusion.

For those who cannot see ahead, due to a confused mind.

Very supportive of the Human Design Emotional Center (Solar plexus Authority).


Sea Lettuce Australian WildFlower Essence


‘Earth Spirit’  Platinum Alchemy energy medicines


Take 4 drops under the tongue or in water two to four times a day.

Use in cycles of 7, 14, or 21 days until inner balance is achieved



What are Flower Essences?

Pure Balance® flower essences hold the vibrational energy imprints of flowers. Each flower has its own energy ‘Life Force”, which is the highest vibrational aspect of a plant. This has been transferred into pure water and stabilized further with our unique alchemical processes to create a beautiful essence that integrates, the earth, you, and the stars providing new levels of awareness and supporting a return to PureBalance.

Each individual flower holds its own light alchemy connected to the earth and the stars. Flower Essences work on the subtle layers of your personal energy system.

Flower essences can awaken the mind, calm the emotions and allow for new pathways of energy, light, and sound to work through your chakras, meridians, and axiatonal spin points activating a new energy pathway system supporting personal transformation into light consciousness.  Flower essences are wonderful remedies to support life change and can help with limiting beliefs, negative thoughts, patterns, and behaviours creating confusion, lethargy, stagnation, and even depression.

Why Herkimer Diamonds

Herkimer Diamond – Intensifies perceptions and third eye-opening, great for meditation, dream and vision work, advanced spiritualization applications, and past life regression, and that’s just a start.

Works as a powerful purifier as it releases toxins from your body, regulates metabolism, stimulates the immune system, and prevents exhaustion. Also related to the release of stresses and rigidities of body tissues and physically it is a good remedy for pain relief.

During the Crystalline conversion of our cells gems and crystals are supportive in focusing and holding light into our cells, so we can see more clearly how we can support ourselves, and understand the changes necessary to move forward and maintain a higher personal vibration to embody the higher version of ourselves. Goddess | Self Love

Pure Balance® Flower essences are made from Australian wildflowers, created on-site in nature. Each essence has been sourced from many wildcrafting ventures.

Additional information

Weight 500 g


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