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Messages from Mutuhu Ancient Lemurian Earth Mother Part 3.

Messages from Mutuhu Ancient Lemurian Earth Mother Part 3

Received 12th August 2009
Platinum Elohim and Ancient Earth Mother Mutuhu
Messages through Ohlara

Mutuhu Ancient Divine Feminine Platinum Ray
Muhutu Ancient Divine Masculine Platinum Ray

The Cocoons, Pods and Platinum Ray

While the Sirian souls were being seeded into the etheric grids they were delivered in the form of pods and cocooned for some time. Many of you will have a memory of this come forth as you awaken deeper into your lineages. A simple journeying process my channel works with can unravel the memory for you to see if this was part of your experience.

While I speak from the origins of the Lemurian seeding, however also know that there was much activity within the solar system through Andromeda, the Pleiades, Arcturus and even on the planets Venus and Mars. This story directly relates to the Platinum Ray how and why it was used during this time. Through sharing with you your star linages and how you arrived at earth will help you to understand why and how the Platinum Ray is again being used to support your return journey to a source with the earth mother through the shifting of time.

During this seeding and creational time, the earth mother was infused with the Platinum Ray from source to support the creative process and allow all forms entering into the lower planes a safe nurturing experience.

The Platinum Ray was the creation and master-healing ray on the earth for these ones as the light body was forming through the process of frequency adjustment and involution. The Platinum Ray would support each unit of creation infuse safely into the lower planes.

This was the plan and it continued for many thousands of years.

Lemurian Life

After a time the race of Lemurians became evident in physical form and was still connected to the Platinum Ray. They were what you know as very primitive in their appearance. They honoured the earth, sun, stars and planetary cycles in an intuitive way through time and observed earth and the celestial movements. Each created their daily and cyclic rituals with the earth mother as each one held their ancestral lines through connection to source and the Platinum Ray.

They had no technology as you know it, but it was based on earth natural formations, crystals, natural energy systems, telepathy and communion with the earth mother.

The earth mother remained in total alignment with the source and held the Platinum Ray fully grounded within her being. The tribal earth mother connection was an essential factor and the most important part of their beginning evolution.

Healing was not something that was really needed as these ones remained in alignment with the source and lived in a dreamlike state.

What you consider as healing today using crystals, essences, herbs, flowers, foods, energies, colours etc was a part of the everyday essential requirement to fuel the physical form and remain in alignment with the earth mother this was their natural sustenance.

These early ones were the mother tribes of the earth and the energies and this memory have been handed down to the ancient tribal traditions in those tribes mainly surrounding the Pacific Rim.

The Mother-Father energy

I earth mother talk about the mother and my name being Mutuhu, up until now the mother divine feminine has become most prominent in your awareness due to the need to find one truth, remember intuition and begin balance from within. This has triggered a memory of the mother energy, as the balance is required to support the earth and all peoples through her birthing process into light consciousness.

I also bring your awareness now to the father energies, for there to be mother energy in your 3rd Dimension, there is also father energy, which was the divine masculine Platinum Ray.

This energy was also a part of the Lemurian people and it evolved more as they became more physical in nature and developed themselves from being pod-based androgynous to humanoid polarity based as they further anchored and aligned to the third dimension of the earth planes.

Here your ancestors the Lemuria’s existed for over 6000 years in earth time and during this time they were able to fully integrate the masculine and feminine aspects of the physical, mental and spiritual, to work together as one.

Their life was primitive compared to your life today. It was tribal and aligned to honour the sun and moon, planetary brothers and sisters of the great central sun.

These times were not easy as they lowered their vibration to become truly physical.

The Vibrational Lowering Process

To lower their vibration they had to undergo a split of the masculine and feminine within, move out of Oneness if they were to evolve and remain on the 3rd dimension of the earth. This was not an easy process as the split was actually a most painful process.

During the split, the emotional body was formed and the pain from this formed what you call the ego. This occurred when they were released from their pods and the cocooning process was complete.

As the pods opened the lower energy bodies were born. This is where the emotional/astral body came into being in this separation process.  Each soul was divided from Oneness to one of separation (female/masculine dominance) within oneself.

In the ancient texts of mu and the templates of the Maya you will see the expression that ‘there was one and they became two’

This is the reference used as the consciousness split into two and two aspects of the one were formed creating a male and female form. 

This was a mammoth effort as it created a split and separation through the frequencies as it occurred. As the emotional/astral body and ego were created through this karma began.

Amazing flows of energies were felt running through their new forms a whole array of emotions was felt by each human.

As the separation occurred the shock and pain associated locked into the cellular memory and through cycles of time and evolution become a part of the genetic journey of emotion.

At this point in the process of Lemurian evolution, the emotional body was very raw and less developed but it was anchored sufficiently around each soul to fully incarnate on earth.

Part 4. Tomorrow,
The Temples. The Rays, Twin Fames, Mental Illness and more
Love and Blessings of Oneness
Ohlara for the Platinum Elohim and Ancient Earth Mother Mutuhu
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Copyright Notice 2009-2012
This information is copyright and is part of a larger body of work both channelled and researched by ‘Ohlara Amohba Taja’, Kim Lansdowne-Walker.
It forms a part of the Platinum Alchemy Transformational Healing Program™ and Pure Balance ® Platinum Alchemy ™  energy medicines developed through Ohlara to support biological ascension. No part or aspect of this work or document (through any means, email, electronically, website, written, copied) is to used for monetary gain. If you would like to share these channelling or article postings please contact Ohara via email .

All information is the intellectual property of Kim Lansdowne-Walker and Pure Balance ®