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Ascension What is it?

What is Ascension


archetype readingsAscension is the process by which a planet, star, civilization or species evolves.

Through the evolutionary process, the biology of the physical body is gradually altered allowing the body to increase in light and consciousness, or move upward in vibration and temperature, this occurs from week, to month, to year, to decade.

As it is slowly accomplished through ones life, the individual enters first a fourth dimensional existence and eventually higher dimensional existences in ones choice to return “home” to Oneness.

Earth is choosing to return “home” to where she was born. Earth was born from a spark of a thought-form in the Tao.

The Tao is all that exists that sits outside of space, time and form and directs creation.
Earth and your sun are two of 4 suns ascending simultaneously within your creation. This is the underlying cause of “global warming” as each creation recovers from the many falls in consciousness in their experience, the temperature within rises. Earth is heating up due to her ascension, as ascension brings about an increasing vibration and higher rotation of molecular structure, which is the underlying cause of the increasing heat of earth.

The process of ascension is not new, nor is it a rapid process. Earth has been increasing in vibration since her last ice age. It may take thousands of years if not hundreds of thousands for Earth to return “home” to the Tao. In the meantime, Earth is moving into a new age and field rotation related to the Great Central Sun that which she fell from millions of years ago and upon other dimensions of thought-form.

Humanity will also experience this shift in consciousness, as we reside on the Earth we will continue to experience this journey along with the Earth Mother. This includes many species living on the earth Mother, the plant, animal, mineral, dolphin and whale kingdoms.

A human collective light consciousness is also being supported and the children being born are triggering the an ascension in those

The pathway for human ascension has become clearer. As those souls called to to this are called ‘map carvers’ and have worked diligently to bring forth much information and foster the new energies supporting the earth mother in her ascension. This has opened the way for many to follow the path to “Bodhisattva”. The Bodhisattva masters compassion in action. The Bodhisattva makes agreements to exist in world service unto the Earth Mother and in so being supports the evolution of the whole. The Bodhisattva creates a unity based life and learns to dream weave their own dreams, becoming the creator that the human vessel was meant to express as a spiritual being.

Based on this ascension process, Platinum Ray Healing, Platinum Alchemy Energy Medicines and The Divine Feminine Priestess Program has been based and developed through Ohlara in co-creation with the Platinum Elohim, sources creator beings.

kimCopyright Notice 1996-2014
This information is copyright and is part of a larger body of work both channeled and researched by ‘Ohlara Amohba Taja’, aka Kim Lansdowne-Walker.
It forms a part of the Platinum Alchemy Transformational Healing Program™ and Pure Balance ® Platinum Alchemy ™  energy medicines developed through Ohlara to support  biological ascension. No part or aspect of this work or document (through any means, email, electronically, website, written, copied) is to used for monetary gain. If you would like to share these channeling or article postings please contact Ohlara via email .