Goan Fish or Tofu and Coconut Curry – Vegan, Gluten-free

This recipe is a slow cooker recipe that is really easy to make.  You will require a selection of spices to make your own spice paste though. These are all staples and I imagine you will have them in. your pantry.

I’ve created the vegan and gluten-free version as well because it’s so tasty and I hope everyone will enjoy it.

I have been looking for great recipes to assist the integration of light via brain chemistry, help stabilize weight or reduce weight, to help people with metabolic imbalances which can be triggered through biological ascension.

I found this recipe really satisfying with tastes that seduce the senses and support brain chemistry. All a part of ascension health.

This recipe ticks all the boxes as far as I’m concerned and the selection of spices that are stimulating antioxidants and support equalizing to blood flow to support blood flow through the body the brain.


1 can of organic tomatoes 400g
2 cardamom pods, bruised
1 tsp ground coriander (cilantro)
1 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp hot chilli powder
1 tsp ground turmeric
2 tablespoon coconut oil
1 onion finely chopped
2 cloves garlic grated
2.5cm piece of ginger grated
1 can coconut milk or coconut cream/plus 1 can water
750 gm skinless firm white fish chopped in large chunks  or ( 750 gm tofu chopped in large chunks for vegans)
Salt to taste
fresh coriander (cilantro leaves) garnish.

Cooked brown rice or quinoa to serve

It’s supposed to serve 8, but I used 4 fillets of fish chopped into chunks so I would say it feeds 4 good serves for the main meal depending if you eat rice with it.


  1. Crush cardamom seeds using a mortar and pestle, then add coriander (cilantro), cumin, cinnamon, chilli powder, turmeric and 2 tablespoons, 1 oz or 30ml water, mix to a paste. Set aside.
  2. Heat coconut oil in a large heavy-based pan and cook onion, garlic and ginger for 3 minutes, or until softened.
  3. Add spice paste, mix well and cook for 1 minute.
  4. Transfer mixture into a slow cooker or leave in the large heavy-based pan.
  5. Pour in coconut milk or cream and gently bring to simmer in the pan, or high in the slow cooker for 30 minutes.
  6. Add fish or tofu, tomatoes and salt.
  7. Partly cover and cook for 45 minutes or until fish turns opaque and is cooked through or tofu has absorbed flavours and is heated through.

Garnish with coriander leaves, lime wedges and serve on rice or quinoa.

Bon Appetit