How to Handle Light Body Symptoms
What are DNA light body symptoms and
how to manage them at home
(print this out and put it on your fridge for future reference when you might need it)
As you increase the amount of light or energy in your cellular structure through increasing your awareness, using certain meditation techniques, spiritual healing or other healing techniques your cells undergo a renewal process know as crystalline detoxification. This occurs so each cell can hold more light and regain its ancient codes of longevity.
So the more light or energy that goes into the cells the more the cells need will need to release or cleanse themselves.
When this happens the cells throw off old energies, toxins and memory in the form of old fears, anxieties, thoughts, body aches and pains, even addictions from the past can resurface and even genetic illness or old illness symptoms can manifest once more, only temporarily though if your consciously working to increase your personal vibration.
As your cells undergo a spontaneous cleansing from higher influxes of light the symptoms that you experience are called DNA Body Changes or Light body Symptoms.
The most common form of light body symptoms are flu type symptoms, headache, feeling achy, nausea etc. (from metabolic toxic build up) these symptoms tend to increase body temperature and even create rushes or flushes of warmth in the body, similar to a hot flush in menopause. The emotions usually associated with heat are frustration, anger and rage, these can also manifest in liver congestion and hormonal imbalance.
How to Deal with Intense Heat and Flu Symptoms
The best way to deal with this increase in heat is to stop ingesting anything that might act as a stimulant e.g. coffee, caffeine drinks, chocolate, fried foods, sugar, dried fruits, or any concentrated foods like sauces and processed foods. Focus on eating cool, calming and natural foods, like raw salads, fruit and clear soups, this to gives your liver a rest and enables it to process the deeper clearing occurring in the cells.
If you experience heat surges your liver and digestive system will most likely need to detox. This is done with my easy digestive detox program, so if you experience any of these heat symptoms please let me know in your next session. Its easier to complete a 1 month detox then to allow yourself to get sick.
What is Actually Happening in the Heat Process
The body is burning off old karma and the heat is actually not a bad thing. So it should be managed with natural therapies and not repressed with flu or pain medication. The heat is your immune system working and as you burn off excess toxic matter your body will begin to regain in vitality. This is also called a healing crisis and is well known in naturopathic detoxification and healing.
The Polar Opposite Reaction
The other way your light body symptoms might result is in a feeling that all your energy is rapidly being drained from your body and you get really cold no matter how warm your environment is. What is happening here is that you are releasing old cellular memory and this is usually connected with fear of some kind and especially fear of death. The feeling of decreased body temperature creates a feeling of hypothermia. You are ok, just follow these instructions and you will be fine in not time at all.
How to Manage Feeling Icy Cold
The best way to manage this is to get into a warm mineral bath, ‘spirit detox bath’ with an added cup of Epsom salts, (this will quickly clear energies around you and realign you with your soul) soak in this until your body stabilizes in temperature, it may be 20-40mintues, you will know by how you feel. You may also feel a lot of fear at this time. If you have a loved one or friend ask them to support you, stay close and give you warm drinks, a dark chocolate chili drink is really good here, or a lemon/ginger/honey drink, these both help kick start your circulation.
Once you feel OK get out of the bath and rug yourself up, even hop into bed or put your feet up, you might even break out into a sweat. Rest at least one hour then have a shower if you feel you have sweated. This has happened to me several times over the years and this is how I manage it, one time I got my friends to drive me to a gym to get into a sauna until my body heat equalized. You will feel very calm and peaceful after this. It is very important to rest so your soul can integrate your new vibrational level.
Whats Happening When My Body Gets Icy Cold and I Feel Drained
The entities and attachments are leaving your subtle energy system, very rapidly, as they cannot be in your energy field any longer because you are vibrating at a higher level. Depending on how much energy is leaving, this can leave large segments of your energy vulnerable and accessible to outside influences. So by using the ‘Spirit Detox Bath’ this quickly realigns your energy and balances out any gaps creating the initial imbalance.
Now if you’re on one of my programs and using the Spirit Detox Bath regularly as well as your energy medicines as you are meant to, these things most likely wont happen to you. But if they do you will now know how to deal with them.
Natural Therapies for Biological Ascension Symptoms
The best way to deal with any of these symptoms is through natural therapies, detoxification, naturopathy, and homoeopathy, which support the bodies natural, healing process.
When the cells have cleansed the person will be able to hold more light and consciousness and the cells can then rejuvenate themselves. This is the basic process, which occurs, in the crystalline conversion of cells during biological spiritual ascension.

This information is copyright and is part of a larger body of work both channelled and researched by ‘Ohlara Amohba Taja’, aka Kim Lansdowne-Walker.
It forms a part of the Platinum Alchemy Transformational Healing Program™ and Pure Balance ® Platinum Alchemy ™ energy medicines developed through Ohlara to support biological ascension. No part or aspect of this work or document (through any means, email, electronically, website, written, copied) is to used for monetary gain. If you would like to share these channelling or article postings please contact Ohara via email .
All information is the intellectual property of Kim Lansdowne-Walker and Pure Balance ®