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Healthy Western Diet

A HEALTHY WESTERN DIET | Naturopathic Consultations with Kim | 0423 157 982

health-food-2I have noticed over the past 30 years in healthcare and from clients presenting in my clinic how the opinions and principles of the western diet have changed continuously with ongoing scientific research.

I have found however that even though we are evolving consciously and rapidly our cells still require the core and basic aspects of nutrition in its whole natural form.

If you choose to eat an animal based protein diet you may have fallen victim to scientific research and medical persuasion from the media which has convinced us to remove fat and bone from meat and animal products, it has become normal to eat low fat everything and even remove all sugar from the diet.

If you choose to eat a vegan or vegetarian diet, this may also be true for example the use of soy as a substitute for protein and dairy.

I myself have fallen prey to the many transient health doctrines and now find that no matter how well I eat I can’t seem to lose unwanted weight. I do believe that weight has a lot to do with our ability to love yourself fully and many weight conditions accompany an emotional condition.

I have personally been working on my own mental-emotional imbalances connected to weight for the past 3 years and I still have not lost much weight. My body has experienced strong inflammatory problems causing me to look further still, at the emotions and physiological responses I experience, which seem to trigger a cycle of inflammation and emotional reaction which in turn creates more stress, increases cortisol which lowers thyroid function driving metabolism to an even slower rate.

My research for personal health has brought me full circle and back to the basics of our grandfathers|grandmothers and great grandfathers|grandmothers who mostly lived a simple life, worked hard and ate a wholesome diet.

Before I share my next step on self care and weight loss which I am about to embark on I will share regular information from the Weston A. Price Foundation a nonprofit, tax-exempt nutrition education foundation.

I believe if you want radiant health for yourself and your family it is important to do as much research as possible and go back to the basics.

I look forward to sharing more with you very soon.

