…this Month with Ohlara
March 2023 highlights… Grab a cuppa and read on
Peace is the end game for March 2023. If we are running away from our shadows, this month will help bring them to the surface for crystal clarity. Evolutionary, we are in a phase of deep cellular reset where our collective DNA/RNA is up for deep transformation.
That means purification, so our cells can become crystalline.
(yay and hold more light consciousness)
The levels of awareness that we are being called to understand may seem very uncomfortable if we have not made space to step more fully into our personal truth.
There are so many light leaders walking on the Earth NOW. Are we working together to build a new world and support each other or are we isolating ourselves from the aftermath of the past three years or simply leading without doing the deeper dives that are essential.
No one gets out of the transformation phase, NO ONE!
Personally, I understand so much about ascension and increasing frequency to resolve our soul gap, even so – I have fallen into a pit and forgotten to share the messages, insights, and musings that I know so often help others move through these times to understand themselves so much more.
This is the time that I am here for, I’ve been developing so much over the past 30 years and waiting patiently in the wings. AND…It’s finally here.
ARE you here for this time too?
Over the last few years, my eyes and ears have been wide open and I’ve been taking in so much information, deciphering whether it is truth or BS. It certainly is the time of illusion, and we were warned about these times.
If you’re still on my mailing list and opening my newsletters you likely have done the same and it felt really weird and uncomfortable to talk about for quite a while.
Over a year ago do you remember I invited you to free webinars to share what was unfolding, even though it seemed very uncomfortable to learn about, thank you to those who joined, and now we find ourselves facing a new world that has been in the making for over 30 plus years behind our own awareness?
It’s time for me to start a process of sharing what I’ve been creating for over 30 years. I’m back on board after doing a lot of deeper dives on myself and in the background over the last 6 years – it really feels like a lifetime ago.
I know you have had your own growing pains and confusion throughout this time, I’m so sorry if I was not able to be here for you. I have been through those tumbleweeds too.
For me it’s important not to lead unless I am sure of where I am leading people.
So over 6 years I’ve been writing and creating lots of tools and refining them to begin sharing again so I look forward to see you again soon.
In the process of shifting our awareness into the new world, it is essential to release ourselves from the old world; it is essential to shift our core belief systems along with the archetypes that have held us in the lower frequency worlds.
To help you do this I am offering new ways to work with me which I will be sharing soon. At the moment I am going through a great security shift and moving years of work onto really secure servers.
With the rapid introduction to AI, I feel protecting your and my privacy is essential moving forward. I look forward to continuing to share ascension wellness information and channeled messages connected to building a new world.
2 Projects I’m currently working on
Website Upgrade to make all Platinum Alchemy ascension products available online
New Oracle cards and guidebook which will herald the beginning of the Platinum Alchemy ascension teachings – lots of work still to do, I’m looking at a launch later in the year. March is already here with some amazing energies.
Peace Alchemy is featured all the way through March 2023, it’s time to really look at what is driving us through unconscious or any addictive behaviours, and what stops us from fully living from joy in our hearts.
Unconscious Archetypes are the real drivers of entity attachment, soul schisms, suicidal thoughts, disease manifestation, pain, suffering, cruelty, plus all that is crude course and ugly in this world. Some are also known as entities or J Seals. If you have worked with me 1:1 you will know these interference patterns as archetypes which drive karma also called initiations or life lessons.
The time has come to be really conscious of how our thoughts create our world and its time to purify and focus our minds to one point, it’s time to become tunnel vision for ourselves to see what the driving force is behind our unconscious drives and behaviours – Register for this months group coaching, where we go deep into uncovering unconscious behavior that continues to make us fall into the snake pit.
As we move into late summer and into Autumn (southern hemisphere and spring in the northern hemisphere), it’s a time when entities are most active and bothersome.
So this is the time to process our shadows which invite entity attachments! YES, Its time. If not you, then who who the wise owl says.🦉 During this seasonal shift you cannot waste such a powerful healing opportunity with the Platinum Angelic Light Beings.
See more here and Register for March group healing and coaching session
Here are the awareness prompts to carry us through this month of March and the equinox, we are being called to…
Commitment is the bridge to your true freedom. When we commit ourselves to something it often feels like it is restrictive and will limit our freedom. This is not the true meaning of commitment.
When we commit ourselves to something we actually give it our full attention and intention. Commitment actually gives us the focus and clarity to move forward in our next steps.
A diffuse light will shine everywhere with watered-down energy but a focused light will turn into a laser beam with the greatest ability to shine through anything with great light.
The key to commitment is choosing wisely what we wish to focus upon and then we are able to shine brightly our strong light. In doing this it’s also important to know when and what we should let go of, these things are easiest to define by what we do not fully have our heart in.
This month consider what you are called to be fully committed to at this time and what can you let go of, so you can become a brightly focused laser and achieve what your heart truly desires.
Holding on by a Thread
With all the changes ongoing around us we may feel that we are not very grounded over this month. This is because there is so much going on in the higher realms, those parts of use that are vast and connected to our expansiveness. So much will be going on that we may not have the energy to to anything else.
It’s a wonderful month to take some time off and REST– when these deeper levels of expansion occur you may feel you are just holding on to physical reality by a thread. If your feeling this way stop all your outer activities as much as possible and make time to be still and quiet.
During these times we are working very very hard, it’s just not doing the physical stuff.
When your letting go of those old outdated behaviours because you decided to make that commitment this month, you may be feeling this feeling of just hanging in there, rest up, allow the higher energies to do their thing and whatever that thing is you decided to let go of will be totally gone.
Peace Platinum Alchemy energy medicines are very supportive during these times. I’ve put together new ways of using them and working with me, check them out here.
Your Sealed Orders
Deep inside of you, dear light leader are your Sealed Orders, every one of us has them embedded deep within. They are your instructions for the manifestation of your true purpose. This information can never be forced open before their right timing.
This month our sealed orders are being activated. This will offer you a deeper quickening of development.
It’s now time to course correct and fully align with our true purpose, moving the compass to your true north and true direction so you can fulfill your true purpose.
This is such an exciting time for us all.
Join me this month to more deeply connect to your true purpose and true direction as we come together to share and journey into the Lemurian Peace Alchemy Temple. Register NOW
The Oracle of ONE
We are all part of the ONE who knows everything!
In our group healing/coaching this month I will show you how to enter the oracle of ONE to ask the questions or simply listen to your messages that come from your truest self
Register to join us this month
one earth-one being flipped over
This month will offer up many opportunities to make conscious choices to be responsible not only for ourselves but for the entire planet and our connection to One being, the Source.
We will be called to make a choice between Oneness and duality (higher 5D light consciousness or 3D duality consciousness) and to live the rest of our lives as full embodiments of the One being, the Source, All that is.
When you make this commitment your sealed orders will be activated to be opened so your true purpose is revealed.
You have this last opportunity before the door closes to flip over everything you have known before. Everything about your life is and can be flipped over into a totally new position.
Will you join me for our group healing-activation and coaching?
Crystal Arrows
To make this happen we each have special crystalline arrows, that determine our actions in daily life. We send these arrows ahead of us to demonstrate our present level of awareness, this determines our path for our future.
Our arrows are crystalline shards that we send ahead of us and they can map out and define and delineate our path according to our state of awareness and the laws of karma governing our personal frequency.
Mostly we shoot these very unconsciously and react to the energies around us instead of making conscious and creative choices.
Along with our unconscious arrows, there are some very special Crystalline arrows, these arrows are our True Purpose, our True Destiny, and our life’s path.
Spirit and the One are letting us know very powerfully this month, it’s time to get very real as to what you really came to earth to do.
Join me this MARCH for our healing and coaching call where I will guide you step by step to anchor all these energies that are available to you this month.
This is where I will support you with some positive coaching and mindset to get you back on track and answer your questions.
Temporary change of hours |
I will be on holiday from 24th February 2023. And return on the 15th of March for healing sessions, consultations, readings, and shop purchases. NB. All orders placed in the shop will be processed on the 15th of March 2023 All Bookings and inquiries can be made here on my calendar I look forward to sharing so much more with you. Much loveKim Ohlara 💝 |
Free monthly meet-ups for creators |
keep an eye out for my next email about HeARTY Creator Meetups, with all the dates and times for your calendar. |
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