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Your Subtle Energy System

What Are Chakras?

 The word chakra is a Sanskrit word-meaning spinning wheel. Chakras are vortexes of energy; that sit within the etheric body, generally, they flow in an anticlockwise direction or clockwise direction

The flow of energy running through a chakra will depend on many things.

  1. If they are open or closed
  2. Whether you live in the southern or northern hemisphere.
  3. The energy may be repressed and squashed down by a blockage in the chakra.
  4. A healthy chakra would normally be open without any blockages interfering with the energy flowing through it.

Chakras are made of energy and are affected by vibration; they are very sensitive to our environment, emotions, thoughts, cosmic and planetary cycles. They resonate at different vibrations like the notes on a musical scale and have colours and sounds that correspond to them.


Where Are Chakras Located

theologueThe chakras are situated in the etheric body, this is within a layer close to the surface of the body, within 12cm from the surface of the skin. The 7 main chakras are located approximately where the spinal column runs along the body on both the back and front of the body. This makes them very connected to our nervous system. Since working with them for so long, I would even say they are an extension of our physical nervous system.



How Many Chakra’s Are There?

There are 7 main chakras which run along the spinal column. Each chakra traditionally corresponds to the endocrine glands affecting the central nervous system and brain.

The central nervous system and the endocrine systems are the two systems, which constantly create balance within our bodies. The chakras which correspond to the endocrine glands and the nervous system are very important, as they integrate energy and life-force not only into the physical body but into all the energy bodies (physical, etheric, emotional, mental, causal and the many spiritual bodies), through your whole energy system distributing life-force energy in a balanced flow to all levels of your being, so you can operate in a healthy unified form.

The Platinum Alchemy Transformational healing System works with many more chakras then 7, see the next article on the higher chakras