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What is Platinum Alchemy

Platinum Alchemy

Opening the Pathway to Biological Ascension

copyright 2008 Kim Lansdowne-Walker (Amohba Ohlara Taja)

Revised 21st September 2008

Platinum Alchemy Energetic Healing is a transformational and evolutionary system of spiritual opening/healing which has been under ongoing development and evolution with earths increase in vibration since its initial development in 1996.

The Aim of Platinum Alchemy

The aim of Platinum Alchemy is to assist individuals open spiritually and find a path towards personal evolution and balance. Platinum Alchemy provides

1. Huge increases in your personal vibration

2. Education and awareness of, thoughts, beliefs, and personal energy and of new energy healing sciences supporting personal empowerment

3. Support to open into your Life purpose, integrate and anchor their soul truth

4. Provide clearing of blocked energies in chakra’s, karma, DNA cellular and ancestral memory so the body can find its own equilibrium and balance to support to cellular rejuvenation and healing.

5. A step by step path supporting a return towards Oneness “Balance and Wholeness”

6. Energy medicines developed specifically to support each step in evolution.

The process of returning to Oneness is referred to as Spiritual Ascension and throughout this process the physical body undergoes many changes which affect the biological functioning of the body’s cellular structure. As well as changes to the cellular structure one also undergoes changes to beliefs and thoughts so fuller opening and soul integration may be restored.

As the awakening process occurs and consciousness is restored each individual may undergo changes to their physical form, these changes may be experienced as energy blockages, dis-ease or imbalances in the biological functioning of the body for a time. When consciousness (light) is restored to cells out of balance or ‘energy blockages’ healing can then occur naturally.

For consciousness to be restored individuals usually require the assistance of a compassionate healer/therapist/teacher or coach who understands the dynamics of the ascension process. Platinum Alchemy Transformational Healing techniques have been developed to specifically address the changes to our biological functioning in line with the spiritual ascension process, whilst assisting and supporting individuals awaken into their personal truth. During the process of conscious raising people are often required to deal with repressed anxiety, fears, and feelings of separation, phobias or other forms of dis-ease which the soul has karma or contracts with. Once these areas of darkness are integrated into the consciousness, healing occurs quickly and naturally. This ascension process is occurring in the Earth and in all inhabitants residing within and on the Earth Mother. The Earth is also ascending into Light.

Why is Earth Ascending into Light?

During August 15-17 1987, the Crystal Grid System of Light for Planet Earth was activated by Source; the company of heaven and Light workers on Earth to save our planet from dropping further in vibration (consciousness) before it would be destroyed by its inhabitants.

At the time of this activation, all life forms on the Earth Mother were also activated to ascend into light transforming ones energy, vibration and consciousness to a 5ThDimensional level of divine consciousness.

At that time Angelic beings directed by Source created a new Earth, which was superimposed over the old Earth. This was the beginning of the Earth Mothers 25-year ascent into a 5Th Dimensional level of consciousness, which is due to be complete on 21st December 2012.

The shift in energy on the Earth Mother over this period of time has affected all inhabitants and is the reason why we are undergoing such great change in our lives on all levels. The outcome of these changes is the movement towards fuller awakened humans, opening into personal enlightenment for the creation of all life into a world of peace and unity based consciousness.

These changes to the Earth Mother are being experienced in changes to the interior and exterior of the planet so she brings back her full remembrance as a glorious living being. This is reflected in Earth changes, weather changes, volcanic eruptions and tectonic plate changes as she undergoes a complete purging and renewal for the new world to be fully anchored.

There is little time left, and we are only years away from the new world so we are being required to wake up as fast as possible to resonate with the incoming energies and the new jobs or roles we will assume in the new world.

Expansion a Symptom of Ascension

As an individual moves through an increase in consciousness (ascension) it brings with it an e-x-p-a-n-s-i-o-n in the auric field, chakras, all subtle bodies, and etheric body that surrounds each living being, awakening and activating the light body as an expanded form as the consciousness is awakened. This increase in consciousness is reflected in the physical body. This can present itself in feelings of precognition, dreams, sleep disturbances, low inaudible buzzing or ringing sounds in the ears, memory of past emotions or childhood and even past lives resurfacing even debilitating flu symptoms. As the increase in awareness or ones personal energy rises it creates more light in ones energy system which can trigger many unusual feelings or experiences. If you have blockages in the pathways that the energy needs to flow through this may present itself in emotional upheaval, life changes, or a physical problem which you will need to pay attention to for balance to be re-established. Expansion of ones energy through light can even cause weight gain or weight loss.

This experience of expansion affects all species including the global body of the Earth. The expansion of Earth will take many centuries and will be gradual so humanity along with other species can move into their new being ness as it is being restructured.

Expansion is also part of the new biological and biochemical structure that is being activated to hold the new higher vibrational awareness in all beings. Our cells and bodies are changing to hold a higher vibrational energy pattern and this is why we are growing in size. An overall increase in size will be 20% across all species. This transformation which occurs with the rise in consciousness at the cellular level is referred to crystalline conversion. Crystalline cells are able to hold much more light or energy to fuel the needs of higher consciousness, so in the process of ascension the biology slowly changes to crystalline to support fuller awareness. This is why the cells of the body are required to undergo continual cleansing or detoxification. It is well known that in the physical detoxification process many outdated beliefs, emotions rise up to the surface to be cleared. Deep meditation processes will also have this affect on the mind and emotions.

In ancient times in the lost civilization of Lemuria (Mu) also known as the “Garden of Eden” the human species stood 10 foot in height being much larger than we are today.

Over a period of time, known as the “fall of man”, man/woman fell so low in vibration, they took on the fear of separation rather than that of unity consciousness or unconditional love. This is what has been called the fall out of the “Garden of Eden”. This fall in consciousness has continued over 10,000 years and has caused a decline in the genetic information available to humanity. This decline in consciousness has also caused a drop in the lifespan of humans.

The process of Ascension awakens and restores genetic material and a higher vibrational imprint for all forms residing on earth at this time. This means that for humans the physical body needs to undergo changes to hold the higher vibration along with a higher level of consciousness.

 Life Change is a Symptom of Ascension, Health and Well being

Changes are occurring rapidly in each and every individual’s life at present. Why is this so? As mentioned earlier, an increase in vibration in Earth is creating changes to the interior and exterior of the planet as she brings back her full remembrance as a glorious living being. This is reflected in the earth changes, weather changes, volcanic eruptions and tectonic plate changes as Earth undergoes a complete purging and renewal for the new world to be fully anchored. During this process the core of Earth is heating up and triggering these changes.

As humans ascending we are also experiencing similar sensations to the Earth Mother because we are intricately connected to the Earth Mother and her ascending vibrations as we live on her surface. We are experiencing this through the resurgence of the kundalini energy system, which is part of the expansion process experienced during ascension. The kundalini is a recycling body of energy, which is hot like fire and allows us to burn off Karmic contracts or agreements which are necessary to be released to ascend.

Karmic agreements cause humans to stay in relationships with spouses or family members, or live in a particular region of the planet, or remain in a particular job to sustain ones livelihood.  When karma is complete change results.  This sometimes means the end of long-term relationships, or friendships, or parting of family members through discord, or the end to a long-term occupation.

Once change occurs it provides us with a new sense of freedom, which is also a part of ascension. Pure Balance TM Platinum Alchemy Transformational Healing invites and supports life change with techniques and products to care for the emotions, mind and spirit, supporting you and guiding you each step of the way into a renewed level of being.

As the kundalini (heat) runs through your body several things can happen:

1)      Molecules of the cells begin to excite and rotate at a faster pace. This increased molecular pace creates “heat” inside your body, which can even cause you to drip with sweat even with no exertion. The heat is part of ascension, and a sign of regeneration and resurrection, not aging or menopause.  Sweating is a way for toxins ready to be cast off in the biological transmutation process to leave via the skin. Enabling more space for increased energy and consciousness.

2)      As the Kundalini moves up the body via the chakras and energy pathways and the subtle energy systems are blocked, and meridian pathways not clear, this can cause Karma to be bought to the surface to be completed or resurrected. If one tries to overlook the Karma requiring resurrecting, illness or dis-ease can manifest to give the organism (human) an opportunity to re balance itself through greater awareness and healing.

Platinum Alchemy Healing products and transformational healing techniques address the core emotional/mental problems and imbalances within the energy system from 2 strand DNA physical level awareness through to Bodhisattva 5000 strand DNA awareness, continually supporting, opening and leading you into light and love on all levels so you can fully integrate your soul and personal truth on the Earth Mother.

How was this system of healing developed?

After a near death at the age of 19 years I remember being given the opportunity to go into the light or to remain on the Earth Mother. At that time I offered myself to source to be a messenger for love and light. I chose to remain on the earth Mother and knew deep in my heart that I would be called one day to work for source.

So from 19 years to 36 years of age I got on with my life, studied and experienced as many courses and forms of healing as I was guided to. This was focused at natural ways of healing the body, mind and soul as well as spiritual, esoteric, psychic and metaphysical processes. By 35 yrs I felt that I had exhausted many areas of knowledge and wondered what I was to do with my life, on a physical level my life was challenged with needing to move house several times in a short period and my body was undergoing lots of energetic transformation, (now I know it to be as Light body activation) healing and detoxification. I decided to sit in meditation and went to Vipassana (Buddhist meditation retreat in the Blue Mountains) to meditate in silence for 10 days. A little after my return from the retreat I moved house again and then in 1995 I was guided to study at Uni. My ego thought I would study Psychology, I received the materials started to read them and sent them back, this was clearly not my path. I decided to dowse over the courses to see what source wanted me to study and I was shown Geology, so I went off to Uni and studied for 2 years. I loved sitting in the laboratories with huge crystal specimens all around me, it was just a delight for my heart and soul.

After moving house again, during the 2 years of my studies I woke one morning with a brilliant turquoise light coming towards me and landing inside my brain. By this time in my development I had been trance channelling for a few years, but after that morning I started to channel and receive information about the Platinum Alchemy Transformational Healing System through the light beings supported by the ascended masters Kuthumi and Quin Yin.

From then on I kept a journal. Then journal after journal as well I began to make products which I had received formulas for. All the time I was wondering where will this lead me? I know that the light beings told me that I would bring through a new form of healing to the people on the Earth Mother to help with their transition into light. I did not question anything, but kept taking notes and listening to my guidance which was very strong. I felt like I was here to serve and that’s what I had to do.

Information just came from all over the place, over time I was introduced to many people along the spiritual path and people would just turn up at my doorstep with information that they were guided to give me. I had a man specially visit from Tasmania who was a merchant sailor, he attended my mediation class one night handed me his information which he had been given, hoping that I would be able to make sense of it. It was about creation and the beginning of our species.  I had a man from Melbourne who specially came to find me, he was a personal assistant to L. Ron Hubbord for some time, he did some healing work on me for star seeds and gave me his channelled information and healing techniques to use, test and share with others when the time was right. I’m sure he was an ET he so much reminded me of this. It has all been a huge puzzle placing each individual part in its perfect place. Part of me has tried to ignore the importance of what I have been working with. My ego has had to go through lots of transformation to accept what I have to share; it has been a whole revolution and transformation for me. I feel that I was given the gift of new life to help create the new consciousness on the Earth Mother. It has however been such a huge journey for me and my family who have lovingly supported me during this whole process.

Over the years the light beings have introduced themselves to me more and more so now I feel very confident with this work. They have shown me a delineation system for the DNA and chakras which help healers to pin point the exact location of blocked energies down to the particular strand and sector of the DNA and even indicating the exact remedy which a person needs to begin shifting the darkness (consciousness) which is blocking light from flowing into the blocked strand of DNA, and further into the physical body which may be causing physical problems. This is the Platinum Alchemy DNA conscious mapping system which is unique to Platinum Alchemy Transformational Healing. The PATH.

I have used these techniques for 12 years now on clients with great success. And whilst I understand that this is specialized work for some. There is now a growing need for many more people to have these healing techniques available to them so they may be able to evolve to their fullest potential and actively bring more love and light onto the Earth Mother quickening the help of many more people to awaken with support and ease.

What is Platinum Alchemy?

It is the name given to this healing system which assists individuals reclaims their soul, personal truth, heal karma, and return them to Pure Balance or Oneness in the most nurturing way. Platinum Alchemy uses the Platinum Ray

 What is the Platinum Ray?

  • An extremely powerful high vibrational frequency of energy used by a very small number of healers and light workers to assist the planetary and human ascension process.
  • The Platinum Ray is used in all Pure Balance Platinum Alchemy Healing treatments and activated in all Pure Balance Platinum Alchemy products.
  • Given as a gift from Source used at a planetary level to cleanse, purify calm, cool and remove debris, toxins and impurities from planet Earth.
  • Used to assist humans release karma quickly and efficiently to assist bringing forth the new world.
  • The Platinum Ray was anchored on the Earth Plane via Mutuhu (Ancient Earth Goddess) in 1999 on the Central Coast NSW Australia by Ohlara (Kim Lansdowne-Walker) and a group of women in time for the new millennium.
  • The Platinum Ray is actively used by guided individuals in Earth care both in the ocean and on the land.
  • The Platinum Ray has been used in various metaphysical healing circles since its anchoring in an incomplete form, without complete understanding of its full potential. Information is now being bought forth to now teach how to use it in its full form in the resurrection of the Earth towards ascension.
  • Certain incarnated individual light workers/healers have specific tasks, which they are to guide to undertake using the Platinum Ray. If you have a strong resonance to this work I encourage you to contact us so we maybe able to help you achieve your goals.

 Who are the Platinum Angels?

The Platinum Angels are highly evolved vibrational Light beings directly from source who bring forth and hold the powerful clearing energies of the Platinum Ray. Lead by Mutuhu (Ancient Earth Goddess from Lemuria) to return our planet Earth back to its natural state of order a “Garden of Eden”, where the goddess once again will hold the truth and power to be shared by all in unity. Where all will honour the Goddess and Planet Earth once again as the truth is resurrected in the ultimate transformation and return to source.

The 12 Platinum Angels ground the Angelic Light Codes into ones chakras and subtle energy system whilst an individual requires support as they process karma. Once the karma is processed an individual will have more energy to fuel their personal ascent into light, which will then allow them to hold and awaken to the Language of Light tones and patterns and further understanding their personal truth.

Platinum Alchemy Healing Techniques

The techniques used in Platinum Alchemy are deeply nurturing and cover over 12 energetic healing and spiritual psychotherapy modalities.

I have developed healing techniques which can be used by many types of therapists due to the variety of my background and training.

 The quickest form of training is for trained massage therapists, beauty therapists and spa therapists working in a spa environment or wanting to take their work to a higher evolved level to support themselves and their clients evolving needs.

 The Spa and Bodywork Environment

Deeply nurturing ritual techniques are aligned with the ancient healing temples of Lemuria which include crystalline, body scrubs, body wraps, facials, and over 12 massage/energetic healing styles. These techniques are integrated with Angel cards and natural organic crystalline products from the Earth Mother to support all phases of the treatment and healing process.

The day spa selection of treatments is called Platinum Alchemy Essence TM therapy. These treatments are suitable for Resort Spas, Health Spas, Massage therapists and Beauty therapists who wish to provide deeply nurturing state of art treatments which embrace treatment of the chakras, mind, body and soul and are result driven.

Post Graduate Training is offered at this level and training is integrated into product purchase opening orders.

Become a Platinum Alchemy Essence TM therapist

  •  Do you have a calling to assist people into their next level of evolution?
  • Do you want to learn the latest cutting edge energetic healing techniques to assist yourself and clients move into higher awareness?
  • Do you have a connection to working with angels?
  • Do you enjoy physical contact (bodywork) in your healing work?
  • Do you love working with and using aromatherapy, crystals & essences?
  • Are you looking for a healing system to learn that makes sense, and you can see positive measurable results from one treatment to the next?
  • Would you like to learn how to support people experiencing strong emotions and life changes in a nurturing environment?
  • Do you wish to learn medical intuition and how to read and clear energies via the DNA and chakras?
  • Do you have an existing practice/clinic or Spa which you would like to take to the next level by providing state of the art treatments and products?

If you answered yes to any of these questions I’d love to talk further to you, as I feel I could help make a difference in your life and your clients will love you for this.


My name is Alison Smith I have been seeing Kim for 3 1/2 years for healing and as a student of her Inner Wisdom academy. When I first started to see Kim I was severely depressed, suicidal and had no will to live in the physical world.

Kim brought me alive giving me the tools and wisdom my soul had longed for. Through her remedies I was lifted out of the depression and into the light and for the first time in a long time I felt the will to live. I now had something to live for.

I had been taught to Love and Honor myself and that I was a being of love and light and that I was here to shine onto the world these gifts.

Through Kim’s teachings I was shown so many wonderful and ancient teachings which felt so real and powerful to me, Kim taught it all, not just one aspect of wisdom but many, all brought into one system. Some lessons were so powerful and opened up a lot of awareness in my consciousness which allowed me to integrate what I needed for my evolution and to just let all the rest of the knowledge sit within to be brought out when it is needed. I knew it was Truth as it just felt so perfect. I knew I was in a special place I just felt so excited when going to class. Learning such beautiful parts of this Life and all things Metaphysical just helped me through my darkest days knowing its all in Love and that I am never alone even when it seems so. She taught me things only an Angel would know bringing me back to Love in all moments. Now I live in Love everyday of my Life. I am filled with this Love in all moments of my life and can now let this love flow onto all other Human Beings. Kim reminded me who I am. For this Kim I am eternally grateful

Love & light xx, Yours Truly, Alison Smith 2007


There are a number of well-known brands on the market that I have used including organic brands however there is no brand that I can compare to that of Pure Balance. Pure Balance skin care range is wholesome and nourishing that utilizes unique organic ingredients including precious gems, crystals and flower essences which form a skincare range like no other. The ingredients are so active and fresh that I can be assured that my skin will be immediately receptive to the products beneficial qualities with results that are speedy.

I was amazed to find when I first used the Joy cleanser that not only was my skin incredibly responsive to it’s dynamic properties, my blocked sinuses immediately started to clear. What a bonus! The diverse range of products available means that I am guaranteed there is a product available to suit my personal skin type that is constantly affected by changing external conditions and the personal changes in my body that my skin is subject to. Pure Balance does not rely on glamorous marketing strategies that promise an appearance shown in air-brushed pictures of famous people. It’s integrity lies in honest word-of-mouth from people that have tried the products such as myself that can honestly say that the quality is of a high standard like no other.

Elissa 2007


Kim, Thank you so much for this amazing experience! I want to stay all wrapped up for ever! I feel so relaxed and ready to face the world. Thanks again

Ebonee June 2007


My whole-hearted thanks and appreciation goes to Kim Lansdowne-Walker for sharing her amazing healing powers with me, she is truly an incredible woman. I believe that my treatments with Kim have saved me from certain physical illness and have helped me to get my life back on track by helping me to deal with the events that led me to the lowest point of my life. I have always been a strong and independent woman, partly due to the fact that I lost my mother at a very young age and my father was unable to cope with the responsibility of looking after three children alone, which led me to leave home at the age of seventeen. I lived a free and happy life until the age of 30 when I found myself involved in a very bad relationship and a very demanding and stressful career. After enduring this for a number of years, my turning point came when I spent my entire four day Easter break locked in the house, unable to face anything even answering the telephone. I felt like I was losing my mind and wanted to admit myself to hospital with stress and exhaustion. I remembered I had picked up a brochure of Kim’s about a year prior whilst on holiday, and decided to give her a call. It was the best thing I could have done! After my first assessment we discovered that almost all of the energy points in my body had shut-down or were blocked and I felt like a walking “zombie”. I have been having regular treatments and look forward to each visit, the atmosphere is very peaceful and has allowed me to work through my energy blockages in a very nurturing and non-judgemental environment. Kim’s ability to read and channel energy from the angels still amazes me, I do not question this ability she has as I have experienced the wonderful and uplifting effects of it and recommend this treatment to anyone who feels they may need it. Thank you Kim, you are a very special person.

Debra M. Newcastle NSW Australia


I highly recommend Pure Balance Platinum Alchemy Healing Paths to anyone who is seeking a greater sense of well-being in all aspects of their life through receiving nurturing and subtle treatments that is specifically designed to assist you in bringing out the best in who you are. This truly unique day spa unlike any other, will enable you to see what aspects in your life are affecting you from feeling balanced within yourself and will heighten your awareness in order to overcome the obstacles you face in your day to day life. You will be able to open up to new ways of seeing through issues that may have once been blocking your ability to live life to its fullest potential. Not only will you feel you are able to get more out of life, those who are close to you will also benefit.

I have struggled to overcome various challenges both mentally and physically in my life which have hindered my ability to feel at ease within myself and have resorted to numerous medical and natural therapists, as well as prescribed drugs and herbal treatments and have applied a number of self-help techniques. Yet there has been no other place like Pure Balance that has enabled me to fully see through what had previously been stopping me from finding true happiness within myself. There are many products and services available today that promises us a better state of health although I have found through personal experience that I am only able to go so far until the issue manifests again. Other health products and services have proven to simply provide a band-aid effect where it is only masking the issue and will only provide a sense of well-being for a short period of time. I have found this only leads to a cycle of dependence on a particular product or service yet never directly pinpoints the issue to completely resolve what needs to be addressed. Pure Balance enables you to see what is directly affecting you from getting on with your life, providing you the opportunity to make a positive change within yourself, enabling you the freedom to move through life with confidence and certainty.

Elissa Central Coast NSW Australia


I received so much benefit from our few treatments and am now in better understanding of how my past was holding me back, I’m sure you would see my light being differently today. Again thanks so much, don’t forget to let me know about products.

Love & Light Margaret, Yoga teacher/Life Coach USA 2002


I feel that I have been on my spiritual path for many years, however using the Pure Balance Platinum. Alchemy products has assisted me to accelerate my ascension with clear insights and empowered me to move onto the next stage of my mission……thank you to Kim and the Angels for this opportunity to work with you all…love & blessings to you all

Debra, R.N. Darwin NT Australia 2003


Using the Pure Balance Platinum. Alchemy Rejuvenation System has helped me in healing 2 major issues in my past and has allowed me to move on freely and with love.

Nigel, Darwin NT Australia 2003


I’ve been using Kim’s Platinum Alchemy products off and on now for about 3 years, and I must say when I do use them they work miracles. I feel more relaxed, my mood swings seam to disappear and I have more enthusiasm to create and interact with people.

I love the whole ritual of my bath, the visualization’s with colour, the meditation tape, it’s time with myself that I enjoy and look forward to. The self-massage on the meridian lines and the aromas from the oils keep my body, mind and soul clear and light.

Entering my 40’s, I have felt myself changing in many ways. The time I spend pampering and surrounding myself with Kim’s exotic aromas, either by having a bath or simple using the mist spray during the day, I can see that doing this helps me come back into myself and focus, rather than reaching out for a chocolate or coffee that I would use to comfort myself in the past. I have more energy to exercise, to paint and do all my creative work, to eat healthy and be with my family and enjoy life more.

Kim’s skin products are also exceptional; my skin love’s them, as well as many other treatments that Pure Balance offers.

If you really want to pamper yourself this is the place to go to revitalize your body, mind and soul. Kim offers a whole holistic experience that is truly something out of this world. Thank you Kim for all the terrific techniques and products you have developed. Love and blessings,

Stephanie Gregory Artist/Designer, Avoca Beach NSW Australia 2003


I have been using Pure Balance Platinum Alchemy products for a couple of years, for myself personally and for my clients, with the most amazing results. I know with myself the clearing and balancing effect is almost instant and makes you feel awakened. I love the Pure Balance textures and smells, so the name implies, the mind, body and spirit responds.

Therese McNeill RN, Remedial Therapist, Energetic Healer 2004


Earlier this year (2003) I was feeling very stuck and unable to find work, feeling very disheartened. I used the platinum alchemy Transition essence and aura mist and immediately felt a sense of release and empowerment. I found work within a few days and my life started to move forward again.

Later this year I used the Joy products when I was feeling quiet depressed, a condition I used to suffer from and when I had a bath with the Joy Bath salts, I felt my heart chakra open for the first time in weeks and a great sense of peace. I continued using the Joy essence and aura mist daily and have not felt any depressed moods since. I would recommend these products as immediately transformative and healing the particular emotional condition for which they are designed.

Judy Melville RN, Midwife, Counselor 2004


Dear Kim, The angel workshop was more than I had imagined it was great to get reconnected to myself and in touch with the angels. I had ignored their presence for a long time. Platinum Alchemy products are just incredible it is hard to describe the feeling you get when you use the product. Kate has the angel wings tied above her bed and points to them each night when asked where are the angel wings.

I know Sensual Self Love seems to give me support and a real sense of peacefulness. When I look back over the time the I have used this product I realize there have been some real emotional changes. The biggest being in reducing the negative self talk that was constantly going on inside my head. It was very destructive to me, my relationship with Ian and I seemed to be hell bent on self-destructing things that were positive in my life. Since using Sensual Self Love and attending healing sessions with you, this has reduced dramatically to a point where I do have a real sense of self worth and that I am deserving of good things.

My falling pregnant with Kate is an absolute highlight of my life. I am so pleased that I did not follow the IVF path and that you, Platinum Alchemy and the Angels intervened to make things right for Ian and I. The elixir was easy to take non-invasive with only one positive side effect, Kate.

Your support and love during my pregnancy was very much appreciated. The Angel work that you did was mind blowing, to be able to communicate with the Angels and find out what my baby needed before it was born gave me a lot of confidence and help with my diet and general health.

I wanted your presence at Kate’s birth from early on in the pregnancy and I know when you arrived at the hospital I felt an enormous sigh I remember thinking Kim’s here it will be OK. Please don’t think I am saying Ian and Mum weren’t great but it was really good to have a friend there as well. You just seemed to know where to massage and get my labour back on track. If you recall it had actually stalled as I was blocking it. I don’t recall which sprays or drops where administered but they supported me over the next stage of my labour.

Platinum Alchemy products have truly made a difference to my life. Thank you so much for following the Platinum Angels wishes and making them for us to share. Lots of love and light

Gehara, Sheryl 2005


Hi Kim, I want to thank you so much for the amazing treatment and Personal Healing Path consultation you gave me last week. You have such a unique product that is full of truth and integrity with the potential to create healing to such a large and deep scale in the world – fantastic!!

Susie Cohen


Hi I’m Virginia and I just wanted to tell you a little about me. I have been associated with Kim at Pure Balance for 18 months now and WOW what a change it has made in my life in such a short period. Kim has dedicated her life to creating a 100% natural body and skin care range that not only makes you look great but it actually heals and pampers your soul at the same time, thus creating an inner and outer radiance everyone will see.