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Chakra Healing

Chakra Healing

Chakra Evolution Yoga and Meditation teacher training

Chakra healing, clearing and synergy light integration is our passport to transcend all current human & Earth Karma. Platinum Alchemy Chakra and DNA pathwork is the basis of Platinum Alchemy Transformational  Healing (P.A.T.H) a spiritual healing science and system of spiritual ascension and enlightenment.

Platinum Alchemy Chakra Healing, simply, works to clear all to source in a specific guided step by step sequence, as guided by the Platinum Light beings and ones soul, each P.A.T.H program is developed for each person and is unique unto you.

Many aspects of healing light are used , light codes, the rays, colour, language of light, language of love, etc all are integrated into healing and clearing chakras where and when needed, to support the individual need of your individual soul journey home to oneness.

Platinum Alchemy has been given to us, to integrate all aspects of the many known and unknown areas of cosmic star light for human healing, ascension and evolution to Oneness. It is here to support earths people during the transition and awakening times, allowing deep wisdom and peace to merge from within. Currently Ohlara works with Platinum Alchemy to help those working toward new planetary leadership and stewardship roles, to quickly help them move deeper into oneness. Platinum Alchemy Chakra and DNA healing offers, a new way of being and a personal map based on ones individual journey from and return to source.

Healing is completed  through chakra clearing, DNA clearing and activation to integrate your ancestral journey and separation from source. All known healing modalities may be used in a P.A.T.H along with conscious self care to clear your lines back to source. This makes Platinum Alchemy an enlightening intuitive energy diagnostic system suitable to be used with all healing techniques. Platinum Alchemy Intuitive Chakra Assessments reveal the core of a problematic area and provide a step by step process in each souls healing, awakening and enlightenment process.

STAGES OF CHAKRA EVOLUTION and CLEARING in ‘Platinum Alchemy Transformational Healing’

LEVEL 1.  7 chakra healing – physical, emotional, mental, spiritual DNA strands 1 to 12

LEVEL 2.  12 chakra – 12 DNA strand to 48 DNA strand integration

LEVEL 3. 21 chakras – 49 DNA strand to 108 DNA strand integration

LEVEL 4. 26 chakras – 109 DNA strands to 5024 DNA strand integration

kimCopyright Notice 1996-2013
This information is copyright and is part of a larger body of work both channeled and researched by ‘Ohlara Amohba Taja’, aka Kim Lansdowne-Walker.
It forms a part of the Platinum Alchemy Transformational Healing Program™ and Pure Balance ® Platinum Alchemy ™  energy medicines developed through Ohlara to support  biological ascension. No part or aspect of this work or document (through any means, email, electronically, website, written, copied) is to used for monetary gain. If you would like to share these channeling or article postings please contact Ohara via email .

All information is the intellectual property of Kim Lansdowne-Walker and Pure Balance ®

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