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How to know when your energy is clear of entities, energy fragments and attachments when using PureBalance ® Crystal Detox ‘Spirit Detox Bath’

Spirit detox bathI love the way that spirit shows me things and I must say that many things I just take for granted as part of my inner knowing but this afternoon after my meditation my soul said tell people how to know the difference between knowing when to detox yourself and when you do not need to detox yourself.

This is something that I know as I feel (intuit) everything in my body and via my nose (smell), but I was reminded that I’m very fortunate just to KNOW this and this is not the same for everyone.

The Spirit Detox Bath is one of my tools that helps both me and my clients to achieve a rapid shift in personal vibration, as well as clear unwanted energies with so much ease.

So I want to share this recent experience with you so you can begin to understand the difference between having entities or attachments in your aura and personal space, which should not be there, and not having entities or attachments in your aura or personal space.

ECOLOGY AND FUTUREIf this is all new to you the best way to begin to understand what I am saying is if you can remember, a time in your life where you felt really clear and clean as well as relaxed. Maybe a time was when you were on holiday and had been swimming in the ocean or after a hot tub, bath,  sauna, healing, massage or a walk in the forest or even after spending a day at a health spa.

Think back to some time when you felt really PURE and CLEAR to the core, I mean squeaky clean. This is what you need to aim for everyday so you remain clear of entities or attachments in your Aura.

So do you remember how you felt when you were great, relaxed, clear and energized?

What were you doing that made you feel this way?

Well if you can remember this feeling, its also the feeling of a clear aura and energy field without energy attachments or entities.

You may not have known this at the time because this was of no interest to you. Even the terms Aura, Chakras, Spirit, Energy Attachments and Entities may all be new to you. If so that’s great because it’s showing that you really are evolving into the ‘spiritual’ person you want to be.

I need to say something about becoming ‘spiritual’ before we go on… I don’t like using the word spiritual in the term of achieving something higher then yourself or obtaining a new existence because it doesn’t make any sense, using it in this context to me is actually a joke and a commercialized aspect of guru chatter, which I call the language which is used to make you feel inferior to your ‘spiritual’ teachers.

Ok so I’ve got that off my chest…when I use the term spiritual I will use it because its what your used to hearing, and probably because its what you want to hear, not because its true in its meaning.

In truth you don’t really want to be spiritual (a ghost, sacred, unworldly, mental, religious) or have spirits around you as many are actually entities, which will block your soul’s personal evolution and these are the things you want to get rid of so you can become the real you and integrate all aspects of yourself into your physical life.

I could carry on with that forever so now let me show you what I mean.

In my health spa I still continue to treat clients and do bodywork e.g. hands on healing, massages, facials etc as the need arises. Just recently I saw some clients who wanted a spiritual spa experience, as this is what is stated on one of my brochures.

I’m not sure what most people think that is but I know it’s usually a form exorcism or entity clearing, which is carried out silently in the massage, healing or facial during the session and that’s really what they need to make them feel better, light energized, relaxed etc. etc.

The Angels work through me to do this, but I am responsible for my own body so I also need to be aware of whats going in and out of my aura and and energy bodies just like when you want to loose weight you need to become  aware of what is going in and out of your physical body.

If you’re a healer you will know exactly what I mean. So I suggest pay attention to this information as it could really help you feel great and stay in great shape preventing healers burn out.

So like I said, I recently treated 2 people…. Before they came I felt great and had that, on top of the world feeling when you’re really clear, focused, calm and relaxed. As I’d been down the beach for my walk and swim, had some sun’s ray which all generally made me feel pure to the core.

I treated the 1st person and I felt pretty good, then I treated the 2nd person and the pain began to hit my body, my shoulders became really sore, my bones began aching and I was getting messages from their soul about their state of health. As I proceeded with the treatments for both, I could feel my aura filling with darkness as an exchange in energy was taking place, I was absorbing more and more of their energy, (more than I wanted to) which made me acutely aware of what was happening I felt really achy by the end of the sessions my kidneys were sore and my whole body felt achy, my energy was still OK as I still had source energy running through my body.

I cleared my treatment space, then went home, showered and generally cleared my energy as much as the shower could assist. I made dinner and because I still felt this strong pain in my bones I decided to have an BodiHealth ElectroRegenisis Therapy treatment to make sure my meridians, (energy channels) were open and functioning as well so i could quickly rejuvenate myself.

If I’m just tired and overworked this normally takes care of any aches or pains from a big day. On the machine I passed out for 90 minutes while my body was being rejuvenated, but when the treatment was over I still felt pain and discomfort especially around my neck and shoulders, I thought, I need a Spirit Detox Bath but it was too late so went to bed thinking I will be OK in the morning.

zeolite bathing minerals for detoxificationIn the morning I woke early and my soul directed me to run a ‘Spirit Detox Bath’ I felt like Sh_t (whatever that may feel like), until I sunk my body into the warm mineral bath, with shear delight my body was screaming with JOY. As I settled in the warm mineral waters of my ‘Spirit Detox Bath’ I closed my eyes and let my body relax as I focused my awareness in my minds eye (third eye), I saw nothing but blackness and darkness, there were just shadows blocking my light and my connection to source.

This is the really important part, which the Platinum Angels have asked me to share with you so you could understand how to be aware of your own energy and aura. It’s actually quite simple.

“I always know when my body, emotions, mind and soul are clear because I get my COLOUR back.”

What does Getting Your COLOUR Back Mean?

Getting my colour back means that I can once again see and sense vibrant colours in my minds eye (third eye) and this is the sign that my energy is clear. In this instance it took about 40-50minutes of soaking in the bath. It can vary from time to time, but the more toxic or congested your energy is the longer it will take to get your COLOUR back.

It might take you 2 to 6 ‘Spirit Detox Baths’ to start with or it may only take 1.  Once you take one you will know what I mean.

What you are actually seeing is your own energy bodies and varying aspects of them, this is the sign that your energy is clear. When it happens you will know instantly and know that its time to get out of your bath as a miracle has also occurred,  The pain which has been caused by energy attachments will be gone.

You see energies that get stuck in the aura are usually very low frequencies that don’t resonate with your natural energy, this is why they feel heavy, dense, low, depressed and create pain. They stop your own natural flow of energy from moving, and block your source light.

Left in the aura for a time they can create physical illness, mental illness, emotional illness and when it has occurred over a long time the soul may only be hanging on to the body by a thread leaving it open to lots of undesirable influences.

In sharing my experiences with you I hope you can begin to understand you own personal vibration and how it can easily be increased and rejuvenated. A first step in any healing program should be entity removal, once they have gone then the truth can be fully revealed. Spirit Detox Bath along with the Platinum Alchemy Energy Detox Kits is a beginning step to help healing many physical, emotional and mental health problems the psycho-physical aspect of your health that your Doctor just wont understand.

Imagine when you go to the Doctor and complain of an ailment and the doc says “there’s nothing there, (@%8 its all in your head *&43) the tests are all fine” etc. maybe a course of Spirit Detox Baths may just be the cure for those pesky ailments, energy attachments or ENTITIES.

You are pure light from source and it is your birth right to be free of lower vibrations so you can co create with source, to fully experience the lower energy planes. The angels have shown me how we can easily free ourself from many mental, physical, emotional problems to begin with taking the time for yourself to hop into a warm mineral bath. Its a start in the right direction for many and even a complete treatment for some.

Our true medicine comes from the earth mother she has been created to provide all the necessary ingredients for our physical bodies and through her gifts we can be free to touch our souls light and evolve to our highest potential, she really does know what we need.

Try a Spirit Detox Bath, snuggle into the earth mother for some lovin and feel the difference.


kim© 2013 PureBalance® Ohlara Taja ‘Kim’ is an intuitive, energy healer , psycho therapist and naturopathic herbalist with over 30 yrs experience in health care from nursing to psychiatric nursing and many natural therapy modalities. As a channel for the Platinum Ray and Elohim and Angels she has been gifted to share the Platinum Alchemy Transformational Healing system – healing of the angels along with their messages of love, peace and compassion for humanity.