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Messages from Mutuhu Ancient Lemurian Earth Mother part 1.

Messages from Mutuhu Ancient Lemurian Earth Mother
Received 12th August 2009
Platinum Elohim and Ancient Earth Mother Mutuhu
Messages through Ohlara

Mutuhu Ancient Divine Feminine Platinum Ray
Muhutu Ancient Divine Masculine Platinum Ray

(Although this channeling is nearly 3yrs old, it is still relevant to what we are all experiencing and answers some of the questions you may have about earths history and ancestry.

It’s been a while since I have channeled the Divine Feminine Platinum Ray however, through the recent equatorial and eclipse shifts I am being given more information to share with you.

I have had to process and clear a lot of fear based energies working through my form to get to this point, as the energies which we are being asked to fully work with at this time are very powerful, I’m finding that it is most important that we are fully grounded in our hearts.
So over the past 2 years I have undergone deep heart healing and purification, which brings me deeper into my truth to share with you once again.

In this channeling we are going to explore the background of the Platinum Ray and see how it has worked for humanity in creation and development.

Lemurian Inhabitants

The Divine Platinum Ray from source came forth on earth to assist the mastering of the humanoid energy forms, which were to be anchored in the physical levels of the earth. We are going to look at the Sirian involution to the earth today. These souls came through the Sirian star gateways and manifested in light bodies in the etheric blueprint of the earth mother, which was created through the Platinum Ray Elohim.
Each form that entered the earths etheric blueprint was too high a vibration to fully extend into the physical earth plane when it was still forming, so each forms original creation came through merging with the etheric blueprint of the earth mother and remained in the earth grid matrix.  This is why Lemuria seems to be such a mythical place but indeed it did exist.


Those who have looked for archaeological remains for the Lemurian civilization and consciousness will be disappointed, because the energies of Lemuria along with its matrix architecture were purely crystalline initially. Also incorporated within the earth mothers blueprint were the, nature spirits, fairies and overseeing Deva’s of all the life forms to come, which were all a part of the initial pre-creation of the humanoid form.


This is what you refer to as your Garden of Eden in your religious texts, the memory still remains in your cellular memory and I will share with you today why this is so.


Star Brothers and Sistars Birthing into the Earth Plane

Many Souls came into the Lemurian Energy Matrix from distant places. Today we will focus on the Sirian gene pool.


As the Sirian form of humanoid energies came to earth they were initially androgynous.  Like other higher frequency creations of source, they commonly occupy an androgynous body form; this is the case for all conscious forms in 5D and above. This allows them to easily and directly connect to their source energy; they do not have polarity energy to deal with, as polarity is exclusive to the 3rd dimensional energy flows and does not exist on the higher dimensional planes.
In higher life forms souls do not have free will as we experience it, but live under the energy matrix of Overlords, similarly how our animals exist in spirit, through what are known as Devic lines of creation.


This might seem an easier journey you may think, as they do not have the experience of polarity or karma to deal with which is unique to the 3rd Dimension. This means they do not have to balance the feminine and masculine to evolve.


There are however other barriers in place to hold these androgynous souls at a certain level of evolution. Because their evolution is a similar process to how the animal kingdom evolves through the earth plane, they are restricted to a group consciousness which overseas the soul group. Some of you may be familiar with Gurus and religious sects, which have infiltrated humanities consciousness and act as a similar way on the earth plane. You may also be familiar with and know of some as Ascended masters and deities, they also fill this area.


This is why many on the earth plane resonate with these concepts; this is because they have experienced them even in their starry homes. There is a sense of familiarity about this for many. There are Deva like beings, which oversea a groups of creational process and the soul is strongly aligned to this Devic energy, In this process it is the Deva who holds the direct connection to source for the line of souls and the soul.


This message is in several parts so please return for part 2. tomorrow

Love and Blessings of Oneness

Ohlara for the Platinum Elohim and Ancient Earth Mother Mutuhu


If you have any questions about these channeling please email me

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(C) copyright 2009 – 2013, all channeling and articles posted  by Ohlara (aka Kim Lansdowne-Walker) are subject to copyright. If you would like to share these channeling or article postings please contact her via email .

Platinum Alchemy Ray Healing Training with Ohlara 2012


In a few weeks I will begin sharing the Platinum Ray Healing techniques, for chakra dna awakening, ascension and the meditations which I have developed and used in private healing practice helping many who have gone on to be healers and lightworkers.


If you feel connected to this work and drawn to create a Lemurian Healing Temple in your area, firstly to heal yourself and awaken then to support the evolution of others, I would love to hear from you, no matter where you live.


The Time is NOW.


Email: [email protected]

Register your interest here


Soul Ascension Blue Print Readings with Ohlara


2012 Trance Channeling Sessions with Ohlara, next session 27/1/2012