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Symptoms of Ascension

Expansion a Symptom of Ascension

expanding wings of light ascensionAs an individual moves through an increase in consciousness (ascension) it brings with it an e-x-p-a-n-s-i-o-n in the auric field, chakras, all subtle bodies, and etheric body that surrounds each living being, awakening and activating the light body as an expanded form as the consciousness is awakened.

This increase in consciousness is reflected in the physical body. This can present itself in feelings of precognition, dreams, sleep disturbances, low inaudible buzzing or ringing sounds in the ears, memory of past emotions or childhood and even past lives resurfacing to even debilitating flu symptoms.

As the increase in awareness or ones personal energy rises it creates more light in ones energy system which can trigger many unusual feelings or experiences.

If you have blockages in the pathways that the energy needs to flow through this may present itself in emotional upheaval, life changes, or a physical problem which you will need to pay attention to for balance to be re-established. Expansion of ones energy through light can even cause weight gain or weight loss.

 This experience of expansion affects all species including the global body of the Earth. The expansion of Earth will take many centuries and will be gradual so humanity along with other species can move into their new being ness as it is being restructured.

 Expansion is also part of the new biological and biochemical structure that is being activated to hold the new higher vibrational awareness in all beings. Our cells and bodies are changing to hold a higher vibrational energy pattern and this is why we are growing in size.

An overall increase in size will be 20% across all species. This transformation which occurs with the rise in consciousness at the cellular level is referred to crystalline conversion.

Crystalline cells are able to hold much more light or energy to fuel the needs of higher consciousness, so in the process of ascension the biology slowly changes to crystalline to support fuller awareness. This is why the cells of the body are required to undergo continual cleansing or detoxification.

It is well known that in the physical detoxification process many outdated beliefs, and emotions rise up to the surface to be cleared. Specific Spiritual Opening and Meditation processes will also have this affect on the body, mind and emotions.

 In ancient times in the lost civilization of Lemuria (Mu) also known as the “Garden of Eden” the human species stood 10 foot in height being much larger than we are today.

Over a period of time, known as the “fall of man”, man/woman fell so low in vibration, they took on the fear of separation rather than that of unity consciousness or unconditional love. This is what has been called the fall out of the “Garden of Eden”. This fall in consciousness has continued over 10,000 years and has caused a decline in the genetic information available to humanity. This decline in consciousness has also caused a drop in the lifespan of humans.

 The process of Ascension awakens and restores genetic material and a higher vibrational imprint for all forms residing on earth at this time.

What does this mean?

This means that for humans the physical body, emotional body, mental and spiritual energy bodies will need to undergo changes to hold the higher vibration along with a higher level of consciousness to live in balance and harmony with the new earth.

 also see Life Change is a Symptom of Ascension, Health and Well being