My Story...

Angelic Connections from Earth & Stars

Hello, This is all about me, Kim Lansdowne-Walker ‘aka Ohlara Amohba Taja Suventit’ the owner of Pure Balance® formed in 1999, the developer of Pure Balance health products, Botanical Perfumes, Platinum Alchemy energetic healing products, and developer of Platinum Alchemy Transformational Healing and coaching system for Light Leaders.

How I manufacture products and have developed my ranges is the result of my direct communication with Angelic Celestial Light-Beings after a near death experience  NDE, in 1980.

Since that time I have communicated with Angelic Celestial Light Beings to bring forth advanced energetic healing practices, medical intuitive techniques, products and a system of Karmic and Soul Evolutionary Coaching and Healing, to support our conscious shift into crystalline biology. 

A crystalline energetic state  holds much more light consciousness, to support our next steps of human and soul evolution.

All products are 100% natural and organic. Most have been used and tested over 25 years in my health spa , by energetic healers and clients. New products are always tested 12 months before being released. My evolutionary health care and energetic care products are now available to everyone, to support purification of the body, emotion, mind and soul. Each range has been developed with specific purpose and to bring  awakening to support the next steps in our life journey.

PureBalance products are great for most ages, however my healing/coaching programs, teachings, and mentoring are suited to those on a conscious path of personal evolution who are spiritually resilient, looking to go deeper and expand in light consciousness to support their work, transform their past and bring more light into the world.

I draw on my 40 yrs experience working in healthcare and as a medical intuitive and direct channel of spirit. My health sciences, nursing and natural therapy background add a deep understanding of the the body, emotions mind and soul. 

I love to share my gifts and create beautiful perfumes, skin, body and health products to support day to day life stresses and even help you when you feel lost and disconnected from your soul guidance to reconnect you to your magic and full potential. The Earth Mother has given us so many gifts to help our health and wellbeing, I feel deeply connected to her and all the elemental kingdoms here to support us on our life journey.

I have had many health challenges since the NDE which have  given me lifelong lessons around patience, how to trust and follow my inner wisdom and how to heal naturally because Doctors gave up on me. My personal transformations have had a lot to do with mindset, self care, an open mind, ability to go deep and see the truth around health and healing.  You will see these keys areas in all my offerings and creations.

My personal ascension portal is that of Self-Care on a Platinum Alchemy Sensual Self Love path. This is something that I have to work on every day. Each year in my physical body I learn more and more what this really is and how to live more fully toward a balanced life to share my gifts in the world.

Thank you for dropping by, enjoy my site and I hope to meet you soon.

Discover How I can Support You


My Divine Feminine Approach

All of my services use unique products developed for you and your unique healing or awakening journey. 

Living in a toxic world is very unpleasant and detrimental to the body, emotions, mind and soul. My formulas are channelled from the Arcturians and Earth mother to help us in these massive conscious shifts. 

Each product has been developed from unique ancient wisdom healing practice and spiritual concepts used in my clinical healing practice for 35 years.

I stand by the quality and efficacy of my product ranges,  products are manufactured by hand, according to traditional herbal and homeopathic pharmacopeia methods, collected and wildcrafted in nature, organic and hand made in small batches, exclusively for my customers.

pigeon dove orchid flower essence with herkimer diamonds

Pure Nature

Provides the highest quality wildcrafted and active ingredients

How did I get to where I am today –

what kind of training did I do?

How did I get to where I am today - What kind of training did I do?

This is a common question students ask me, so I have listed my main areas of training, they come together as one connected program of  natural health, spiritual health and development, esoteric and earth sciences which I now offer my unique version as Platinum Alchemy Transformational Healing, to my clients and students through my Inner Wisdom Academy.

My curiosity around health, life and all things spiritual runs very deep with my Neptune in Scorpio. This has been a part of being a lifelong learner. Most importantly I have followed my heart and my inner guidance. 

This may look like a list of skills and tools that are not connected in some ways. That could be nothing further from the truth. I have drawn on each one as the need arises to support  myself through deeper soul transformation and to help my clients in many many ways.

Professional Accreditations

Australian Traditional Medicine Society

Fellow Membership status  ATMS 1321 

Medical Herbalist, Remedial Massage

International Institute of Complementary Therapists 

Psycho-Physical Healing (clinical hypnosis, psychic-healing, meditation, advanced energy healing), Counselling, Meditation, Herbalist, Remedial Massage

International Institute of Complementary Therapists Trainer Accreditation

Pure Balance Inner Wisdom Academy 

Platinum Alchemy Transformational Healing (Tarot Counselling), 

Platinum Alchemy Transformational Healing System

My Areas of Training

1970’s – Land & Engineer Survey Drafting – Sydney TAFE; Enrolled Nurse – Concord Repatriation Hospital; 

1980’s – Near Death Accident – Corfu – Greece; Psychiatric Nurse – Gladesville Hospital NSW;  Naturopathic Nutrition – Nature Care;  Herbal Medicine – Nature Care|Southern Cross Herbal School; Remedial & Therapeutic Massage – Nature Care; Pathology Collection, Audiology, Spirometry, ECG – Macquarie Professional Services; Psychophysical Healing ( clinical hypnosis, psychic healing, mesmerism, raja yoga) training – Academy of Esoteric Sciences; 

1990’s – Advanced Psychic Healing & Astrological Healing  – Academy of Esoteric Sciences; Practitioner NLP – Australian Institute of NLP; Cosmic Trance Channelling & Cosmic activations – Alton Kamadon; Undergrad, 2 years Geology – UNE

1995Began development of Platinum Alchemy Transformational Healing – This project has been ongoing as human consciousness continues to expand; 11:11 doorway gateway energy holder with Solara; Iridology training – Southern Cross Herbal School; Tarot card reading training; 1998 Reiki activations received; 

2000’s – Cert IV. Workplace Training & Assessment – Ryde College;

2006 – Wu Tao Dance Teacher – Michelle Locke;  Internet, Website development, Business, Branding and Marketing Training; 

2011 – Botanical Perfumer training with – Anya McCoy USA; 

2012 Toltec and Lemurian Studies with Almine; Irash Satva Abundance Yoga, Yoga with Almine;  Saradesi Satva Yoga – yoga of eternal youth; Aranash Suba Yoga – yoga of enlightenment,

2017 Soul Marketing & Soul Branding – Chris-Anne Donnelly & Rebecca, 

2018 – Art of Feminine Presence Teacher – Rachael Jayne Groover USA, Women’s Spirituality Practices and Business, Marketing and Speaker training; 

2018 – Book writing and publishing with Tom Bird ‘Write to Heal Program’ Currently writing books;

2020’s –  Updating Coaching Programs, Developing 2 sets of Oracle cards for Ascension and Platinum Alchemy, Perfume Play, Going deeper into my creative practices, Learning Art processes, Private Clinical Practice – Naturopathic Herbal Medicine, Soul Psychotherapy and High-End Coaching


Customer Praise

Discover how I can support you

I Invite you to have a 15 min online chat with me, where we can meet and see if my services or products are what you are looking for.  From coaching, products to services and courses , I specialise in working with HSP highly sensitive people who are most often experiencing chronic health or life challenges from  a variety of past trauma.

My products and services are suited to highly sensitive people HSP, conscious seekers, healers, leaders and light workers looking to move further along their personal path, and rapidly expanding into their soul light. They understand clearing their DNA and genetics will lead to more fully embodying their soul mission.