What are the initiations?
As you move through a personal healing program with me, you will hear me talking about Karma, Initiations, Archetypes or Strands of DNA, which you will naturally begin to integrate consciously.
The following information is an overview of the process of the conscious shift to integrate your higher light.
Platinum Alchemy Healing follows the process termed spiritual and biological ascension, which is the building and integration of the light body. This process is constructed of a series of life lessons, karma also known as or spiritual initiations. These are passed through at various stages in ones life; this is a normal part of a person’s journey or evolution through life.
As each initiation is passed you naturally embody more light and consciousness, shifting your personal energy to a higher level and frequency. To move through this process the cells in the body turn to a crystalline form to hold more light. To do this they gradually detoxify fear based patterning, associated with your ancestry or family lineage along with the archetypes, which you have come into this life to transcend.
As the karma is being released the layers of the energy bodies will naturally undergo clearing and detoxification, this is necessary to prevent physical disease from taking hold within the cells.
To help with this process nutritional and naturopathic detoxification using natural remedies are very helpful to accelerate this process and support the physical body. The Platinum Alchemy Energy Medicines have been specially developed for this purpose and are used with healing programs to increase your personal frequency and prevent the body going into a disease process.
During a healing program with me you may need to work on your physical body as well as on your emotional, mental and spiritual bodies, so it can support your shifting vibration.
Because there are chakras that extend from your physical body all the way up through (144) 12 dimensions in our creation and even beyond, and our physical body exists on the 3rd dimension, you will see that your program or assessment begins at a specific strand of DNA (initiation) then moves upward and outward to integrate more of your soul light and consciousness.
The following explanations are given to help you understand the various initiations that you move through as you move along a healing PATH specially developed for you from your soul.
The Initiations To Embody The Frequency of Unconditional Love
This process is also known as activation of the light body, as the Light body is restored the physical body elevates in frequency. Initially to unconditional love and then into the 5th dimension.
This information is a road map to your increase in vibration, the first 12 Initiations are there to attain the state of awareness of “unconditional love”. Your personal experience of moving through initiations will be unique unto you, and according to your family ancestral linage and cellular memory because each person has their own genetic memory, past life soul memories and personal life dramas, which have affected them along the way.
A PATH program teaches and helps you to accelerate yourself through the karmic lessons, which are also connected, to any personal healing and initiations.
The 1st 6 initiations involve the forming of the light body. At this time on earth many people have already had their light body formed. Your assessment is written to focus on the areas, which your soul has revealed that you are ready to transcend; this is most likely unconscious for you at this time.
As the soul integrates the 12 initial initiations, it begins to fore-fill its soul purpose and move toward a position of leadership. A new leadership is rising that is based on collaboration and unconditional love rather then fear, competition and a hierarchical structure. This is needed in all walks of life, all industries, all professions, all governmental organizations.
New leadership will be restructured and bought to fruition so our human civilization will be based on unconditional love. Isn’t it exciting to know that you are part of this process and your program will be developed with this purpose, to help you rise in conscious toward your greatest potential?
The Initiation Structure
The Initiations 1 to 12 activate and embodying the state of unconditional love also known as Christ consciousness. Many people on the planet have this energy activated and are moving way beyond this level.
Initiations 13 to 16 Transcending Fear
These initiations are tied up with letting go of fear based belief systems which cause unconscious acts based around subconscious fears and phobias. Many people needing to move onto a spiritual path get caught up in this level often too fearful and frozen to move from the past or they may move into a religion to feel safe. Professional help is needed here for the soul to continue to evolve.
Initiations 17 to 108 Attaining non-attachment to move toward 5th dimensional awareness
This series of initiations can last for a while and be challenging for many as they need to move beyond those things that keep them attached to physical objects, work or careers and even old relationships which no longer serve their soul purpose. To fully move out from this space professional help is also recommended and often needed.
Initiations 109 to 1024 Attaining Liberation
When you move into this space, you are moving toward home and know that you cannot go back. You may want to stop and rest for a while with your spiritual/healing program but your soul manages to communicate to you and move you ever more forward toward Bodhisattva where you soul can full embody your physical vehicle and begin to do the work it is meant to do. This can be a challenging area to move through as you learn to hold new levels of your spirit in the physical body and self care is essential.
Initiations 1024 to 5024 Attaining compassion and Bodhisattva consciousness
This area is where people who are consciously working towards their life purpose often sit. It can be a little tricky at times because once your birth soul has fully integrated you can also begin to integrate more souls or lets say become a channel of information. Because your energy field has become very large you have easy access to akashic records and higher light consciousness.
During this time it can be tricky because you can still get caught up in the concept of illusion if you are integrating a second soul or have aspects of yourself that still need to be integrated. Often healing, clearing and soul integration may need to jump all the way back to the early initiations from 1 to 12 as the new soul gets a feel of how to operate in its new body and processes its karma. This is definitely a time where you may need to be supported by others who have walked the path before you.
Associated with each initiation there are also the archetypes, and many chakras to consider so you can begin to see how complex the many layers your soul has extended to. To make things easy the Platinum Elohim have provided an easy way to map each persons personal evolution along with 12 product ranges Platinum Alchemy Energy Medicines which address healing surrounding the emotions, beliefs and thoughts (connected to archetypes, chakras and detoxification of the dna and energy layers including the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual body) which keep us held within the illusions of lower dimensions.
At this time there are many souls evolving very rapidly and the shifting occurring can take as little as 6 weeks if the individual is receiving the proper support. Platinum Alchemy Transformational Healing and Coaching has been developed since 1996 and continues to evolve with the needs of individual personal evolution. In 2014 many clients are vibrating well over 3000 dna strands with their soul requiring them to push their personal vibration up to 29,000.
This just shows how fast many people are evolving and awakening to their soul wisdom. We are in very exciting times and I am so excited to be able to be a guide for many requiring rapid shifts in consciousness.
I hope this begins to help you understand the Initiation structure

All information is the intellectual property of Kim Lansdowne-Walker and Pure Balance®