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Who are the Platinum Angels

Who are the Platinum Angels

There are 12 Platinum Angels, they have come to support humanity through the great conscious shift which everyone is experiencing.

Each Platinum Angel holds the Platinum Ray and specific coloured rays which have been dispensed from Source to assist our full transformation of consciousness to foster heart opening, enlightenment and healing for all beings on earth. Ohlara calls the light beings angels, they are not seen as angels with wings but more as pure light forms.

The Platinum Angels are experts in the healing of emotion, transforming belief systems and raising consciousness as they work subtlety and deeply helping ones shift consciousness to return to love and light.

The Platinum Angels are working in full alignment with the Earth mother and source to assist our return to the crystalline light state consciousness.

In direct guidance with the Earth Mother, the Platinum Angels and Elohim, Ohlara was guided to create special essences, elixirs, fragrances and aromas, that awaken consciousness. Aromatherapy, botanical perfumes, crystalline energy medicines and personal self care products have been created by Ohlara to help individuals purify, remember who they are, and stay in alignment with their truth.

More information on the Platinum Angels from source
Healing with the Platinum Angels
Healing Testimonials

The Platinum Angels are a group of angels (light beings) who work under the direction of the 12 Platinum Elohim, Arcturian Council of Light. The Platinum Elohim were responsible for creating the human species and making the earth inhabitable for many existing species.

The Platinum Angels work with the Platinum Ray, the divine feminine creation ray, also a cleansing ray, they modulate and direct the Platinum Ray as required, supporting the evolution of races, preparing them for ascension and higher consciousness.

Ohlara Amohba Taja (aka Kim Lansdowne-Walker) is a master channel and healer of the Platinum Ray, Platinum Elohim and Platinum Angels since meeting them in 1980 in a near death experience. From 1996 the Elohim have overseen and directed Ohlara to  develop Platinum Alchemy Transformational Healing (PATH) an advanced energy healing and ascension system which maps ones individual consciousness, connecting them to their soul light and teaches one how to evolve, awaken and clear karma through a multi modality healing and self care approach.

The Platinum Angels come in many guises some incarnated in physical bodies, these days and many supporting the Arturian and Earth Alliance to awaken earth’s people to support the rapidly shifting frequencies.

The Platinum Angels and Platinum Elohim Support each phase of your Transition into Light.

As you awaken you are required to travel through many dimensional doorways and clear DNA layers of which 12 Lemurian main portals reside. These portals open into 144 more portals and temples which allow more soul light consciousness to flow through, awakening life purpose and deeper heart opening as the cellular/dimensional DNA is cleared. This all occurs in alignment with ones cellular biology taking on more light as the earth mother continues to rise in vibration.

To support the many shifts in consciousness and symptoms termed ‘LightBody symptoms’ the Platinum Alchemy Energy Medicines and Platinum Alchemy Transformational Healing (system) was channeled through Ohlara from the Platinum Elohim Arcturian Council.

Ohlara has developed Platinum Alchemy Healing to complement all forms of natural  and spiritual healing systems.

The 12 Platinum Ray Lemurian Portals overseen by the Angels and Elohim


KImCrystalBowlshalfsizeIMG_2378Copyright Notice 1996-2014
This information is copyright and is part of a larger body of work both channeled and researched by ‘Ohlara Amohba Taja’, aka Kim Lansdowne-Walker.
It forms a part of the Platinum Alchemy Transformational Healing Program™ and Pure Balance ® Platinum Alchemy ™  energy medicines developed through Ohlara to support  biological ascension. No part or aspect of this work or document (through any means, email, electronically, website, written, copied) is to used for monetary gain. If you would like to share these channeling or article postings please contact Ohlara via email .

All information is the intellectual property of Kim Lansdowne-Walker and Pure Balance®