chakra evolution meditation & yoga central coast

Chakra Evolution

Chakra Evolution Philosophy



Chakra Evolution is based on Oneness and the Lemurian dream, the harmonization and integration or fusion of all, supporting the return of consciousness to love. It is yoga developed by Ohlara, channel for the divine feminine Platinum Ray and Arcturians.

ChakraEvolution is the entry point for a larger system of healing and spiritual development, Platinum Alchemy Transformational Healing. The core of chakraevolution returns us to a place called Lemuria.

Lemuria is the place all souls have passed through on their way into the human form. It is also the place which souls will return on their way back to their starry homeland. The spirit of Lemuria which is arising once again along with the hidden knowledge and wisdom teachings is a part of us all.

Lemuria saw no illness and disease, it was a place of harmony and balance where souls were invited from all existences to experience and play in vibration. It was like an observation playground. Crystalline energies were used in all aspects of consciousness, as souls primarily existed in forms of light and vibration. There were 144 temples which existed in Lemuria and each one was connected to a star family. Souls came into a temple before being allowed to roam freely through the Lemurian dimension. As each soul entered their homeland temple their vibration was adjusted to prepare them to fit into the lower vibration of light. Once this was established they were able to experience the Lemurian dream and further experience a physical body.

A dimensional collapse occurred and caused the souls to fall into the lower dimensions and enter an even lower vibrational state. To be in the lower dimension a physical body had to be born to hold their spirit.

The only way  back to their homeland was to learn to master their physical form and their higher energies, this would evolve them back to a state of Oneness, where they could once again pass through Lemuria and return to light and their homelands in the stars.

During the development of the physical body, light split into 7 aspects (the rainbow) and became the conscious portals through which they were given to evolve and fully reconnect to their homes in the stars. Through each colour of the rainbow a crystalline framework was gifted, which was to became the vehicle which we could evolve.
As each soul passed from Lemuria they landed on the earth plane to begin their journey through the lower dimensions.  Atlantis was the 1st physical home for many souls and there were great battles of ownership as they tried to work out how to return to oneness. The more separated they become the lower in vibration they dropped as they were moved away from their creation abilities. The fall in consciousness continued and became destructive and still is evident today in the separation of many races on earth.

In Lemuria a form of worship was developed throughout all temples and this was the honouring of mother/father, god/goddess. This developed a  form of  Yoga and the 1st Yoga which was born. From this form all other yoga  have evolved.

It is from this most ancient story given to us by the Lemurian earth mother ‘MUTUHU’, along with information on how to evolve and develop the chakras return to Oneness, to begin one’s remembrance the chakras, rainbow lightbody is to begin to remember the Lemurian dreamtime which is the basis of Chakraevolution.

Chakraevolution teaches of the basic 7 chakras, how to work with them and manage your personal energy, and then the teachings move into ‘Platinum Alchemy’ where DNA chakra healing supports evolution to open 12 and 26 chakras supporting the clearing of ancestral cellular memory and distortion to move us into our highest ascending potential on the earth plane.

As well as ChakraEvolution the Platinum Alchemy yoga, Ohlara teaches the Lemurian Angel yogas channeled through from Almine. These new forms of yoga support the clearing and healing processes required during our phases of ascension and increase in light quotient.

Kim ‘Ohlara’ has been channel for MUTUHU ancient Lemurian earth mother since 1999, when the Platinum Ray ‘sources creation ray’ was gifted to humanity. This body of work and healing system ‘Platinum Alchemy Transformational Healing’ has been gifted to Ohlara, to develop and share with those ready to take the leap into higher consciousness.

© Chakraevolution™, Ohlara Kim Lansdowne-Walker 1996 –  2013, Platinum Alchemy Transformational Healing, PureBalance®

kimCopyright Notice 1996-2013
This information is copyright and is part of a larger body of work both channeled and researched by ‘Ohlara Amohba Taja’, aka Kim Lansdowne-Walker.
It forms a part of the Platinum Alchemy Transformational Healing Program™ and Pure Balance ® Platinum Alchemy ™  energy medicines developed through Ohlara to support  biological ascension. No part or aspect of this work or document (through any means, email, electronically, website, written, copied) is to used for monetary gain. If you would like to share these channeling or article postings please contact Ohlara via email .