chakra evolution healing and reading

Ascension Chakra Healing and Reading

Ascension Chakra Healing and Reading measures your cellular personal frequency revealing how much light is sitting in your cells. From past life and physical body consciousness awareness to more than 80 trillion levels of light packets of consciousness flowing through your cells. This reveals how much light your cells and spiritual bodies have moving through them.

Ascension Chakra Healing and Reading has been in ongoing development for over 28 years. It was developed by Kim Lansdowne-Walker, from channelled guidance and messages from her light team. Then developed through observing clients’ energetic changes between psychotherapy and energy healing sessions. Using the Chakra Evolution Ascension Healing and Reading we can determine exactly where there are psychophysical imbalances and blockages within your energetic system, your soul’s energetics, your lower and higher chakras as well as your physical body. The reading reveals where the energetics of the body are out of alignment and blocked.

What happens when we have blocked energies?

When we have a psychophysical imbalance in our energetic system this can create physical, emotional, mental and spiritual imbalances or energy blockages which can affect the pathway of energy through an organ system or the associated chakra feeding energy to an organ or system. Any energy blockage will prevent your source and soul light from being able to fully enter your consciousness to your physical body. The Ascension Chakra Evolution reading can determine exactly where any energy blockages are.

When we become physically ill or experience a dis-ease this is a strong indication that there are blockages in our energy system.

How are blockages located?

The process of locating blockages is an intuitive one, used by highly experienced energy healers. To have an Ascension Chakra Healing and Reading completed correctly the practitioner is required to hold a high personal frequency and have highly developed intuitive senses. This can place limitations on the number of people who can offer this specialised reading.

As the creator and developer of Ascension Chakra Healing and Readings, Kim offers these readings remotely, internationally or in her Avoca Beach Studio.

Questions and Answers about Ascension Chakra Healing and Reading.

How do I know if I need Chakra Healing?

This is a great question. There are many signs that people experience if their chakras are out of balance or blocked, here are a few.

If you have been feeling emotionally stressed or simply off this is a sign that your chakras can be out of balance and may require a tune-up through a healing or clearing.

Your life feels stuck and you’re not moving forward this is another sign that your chakras may be blocked. You have been feeling gloomy for some some this is also a sign.

If you have been experiencing emotional extremes and can’t seem to find your balance.

Your health has been compromised, this is a sign that the chakras are blocked and would benefit from clearing or healing.

What Happens in A Treatment?

Your initial treatment and reading will be most likely given remotely. Once you create your booking in my calendar you will receive and all the details a link for us to connect. This will be on Zoom or via telephone. In some instances, it may be in my studio.

Part 1. This initial process takes around 20 to 30 minutes.

We will discuss what’s been troubling you and I will focus on that area in your energy system and your chakras. From my assessment (medical intuitive reading), I will see exactly where the core problem is. I will communicate with your soul Akash and ask what is necessary to do to bring this problem toward balance. This will be noted and shared with you for further or future discussion. Once information is collected and the direction is received we move into

Part 2. Which will take 20 to 25 minutes.

I will provide Ascension Chakra Healing, Clearing and Balancing of your subtle energy system. You will be asked to relax and listen to some relaxation music or a guided meditation while I give the healing.

Part 3. We review your session.

On completion of the healing we will discuss anything that requires sharing and you will be advised on the next steps to support and care for yourself through deeper integration. If more than one session is required we will discuss this and likely book your next healing which will be 60 minutes again. 45 min will be spent on the healing.

Have More Questions about Chakra Healing and Readings. What it can do for you?

Book a 15-minute chat with Kim to see if this is suitable for your emotional and health requirements