Why Earth is Ascending into Light? ‘a star’
From article by
Ohlara in 2004
Earth Ascending is the result of an activation process.
During August 15-17 1987, the Crystal Grid System of Light for Planet Earth was activated by Source; the company of heaven and Light workers on Earth to save our planet from dropping further in vibration (consciousness).
At the time of this activation, all life forms on the Earth Mother were also activated to ascend into light and transform their, vibration and consciousness to a 5ThDimensional level of divine consciousness.
At that time Angelic beings directed by Source created a new Earth, which was superimposed over the old Earth. This was the beginning of the Earth Mothers 25-year ascent into a 5Th Dimensional level of consciousness, which is an ongoing process to return earth to the higher frequencies of love.
The shift in energy on the Earth Mother during this period of time has affected all inhabitants and is the reason why we are undergoing such great change in our lives, on all levels.
The outcome of these changes is the movement towards fuller awakened humans, opened into personal enlightenment. This is to support the creation of all life on earth into a world of peace and unity based consciousness.
The changes to the Earth Mother are experienced as changes to the interior and exterior of the our planet, during the changes earth is purging and she will continue to undergo this process while she returns to a healthful and glorious living being. The ascension is similar to a detoxification process that all beings go through when the body requires healing.
The changes are reflected as Earth changes, weather changes, volcanic eruptions and tectonic plate changes as she undergoes a complete purging and renewal for the new world to be fully anchored.
2012 has come and gone and the earth is still undergoing great transformation, this will continue for some time yet and wont really begin to settle until we are beyond 2018.
The Earths detoxification, transformation and healing process is also triggering the Spiritual Opening process in everyone on Earth at this time, and we are only years away from the new world so we are being required to wake up as fast as possible to resonate with the incoming energies and the new jobs or roles we will assume in the new world.
also see Expansion a Symptom of Ascension