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Initiations to embody the Frequency of Unconditional Love

Initiations to Embody the Frequency of Unconditional Love

rosequartzThis process is also known as activation of the light body, as the Light body is restored the physical body can elevate in frequency. Initially to unconditional love and then into the 5th dimension.

Your Spiritual Health Check creates a PATH of information, it is a road map to your increase in vibration.

The first 12 Initiations are there to attain the state of awareness of “unconditional love”.

Your personal experience of moving through initiations will be unique unto you, and according to your family ancestral lineage and cellular memory because each person has their own genetic memory, past life soul memories and personal life dramas, which will have affected them along the way.

Your PATH teaches and helps you to accelerate yourself through the karmic lessons, which are also connected to any personal healing and specific initiations.

The 1st 6 initiations

The 1st 6 initiations involve the forming of the light body. At this time on earth many people have already had their light body formed. Your program has been written to focus on the areas which your soul has revealed that you are ready to transcend; this is most likely unconscious for you at this time.

As the soul integrates the 12 initial initiations, it begins to fulfill its soul purpose and move toward a position of leadership.

The New Leadership

A new leadership rising is that based on collaboration and non-conditional love rather than fear, competition and a hierarchical structure. This is needed in all walks of life, all industries, all professions, all governmental organizations.

New leadership will be restructured and brought to fruition so our human civilization will be based on non-conditional love. Isn’t it exciting to know that you are part of this process and your personal program has been developed with this purpose, to help you rise in conscious toward your greatest potential!

Next see Initiation structure…