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Initiations, Karma & Archetypes

Life Lessons, Initiations, Karma & Archetypes

Living in a physical body takes us through many life initiations; an initiation is a group of lessons or a single lesson that allows us to master a specific frequency of energy.

In your life you have already undergone many initiations or lessons. You may ask yourself…

What did I learn from this experience or lesson?

If you learnt to retreat or walk away from the experience and never do that thing again, then you may have never learnt anything and the lesson will very likely return until you master it. It can return in many disguises. This is also called Karma. Karma only exists on the 3rd dimension as it is all part of the game of separation/illusion. Learning to embrace and integrate higher aspects of yourself will release you from the wheel of karma.

If you learn to embrace blocked energies and expand yourself through the lesson or process, you would move to the next level of awareness, and you will have passed that initiation. Each time you master an initiation your personal vibration increases.

Your program will help you to move through many initiations and support you to expand to fully master them. This is the quickest way to evolve and live in your truth. Its no longer necessary to sit in a cave to evolve to a very high level in your lifetime. The opportunity is open to all of us with Platinum Alchemy.

Your personal initiations are tied up with the strands of DNA you are clearing, and mastering. So as you work with me, you will learn how to move through many initiations and learn to understand how they affect all levels of your consciousness, the DNA and chakra energies all the way down to the physical cells in your body.

The strands of DNA we are working with in your program will determine the initiations your soul needs to pass through and are ready for, these also give you an indication of what initiations you have already mastered or mostly mastered in your life.


As you evolve through an initiation in your program it is connected to a set of beliefs, memories and a group level consciousness which would have had an affect on all levels of your being and even your cellular biology as it was created from your personal blueprint. The core belief will have manifested from a specific level of consciousness and from a program (belief system), which has been implanted, and often connected to mass consciousness.

These beliefs are tied up into what are termed Archetypes. As we observe an archetype in the 3rd dimension 3D, it is a duality or polarity based concept, which holds a right or wrong, black or white aspect to it. As you learn to clear karma and your personal energy blockages on the lower levels you learn to master these lower archetypes. When you become conscious of them you can change the affects they have on you allowing you to move into joy, freedom, peace and oneness.

A negative archetype shows us that we are acting out the dark or unconscious aspects of that energy consciousness; the positive archetype shows that we are embracing the higher aspects of that energy consciousness and the balanced aspects shows that we are working through the karma to negate that archetype all together. As you heal you find the balance between the two and collapse both realities, this creates a change in your perception. As your perception changes this collapses the energy which has been held in place and frees our soul from the karma, healing through an Archetype can have a positive healing effect on the whole family by healing the family karma and lineage.

The balancing aspect of an archetype can take us into the dark night of the soul energy, allowing us to open, awaken and clear that part of our self. When fully balanced the energy holding the archetype consciousness will integrate and return to light. This frees our consciousness of that which has blocked our truth and light.

A very empowering and freeing process occurs as you integrate archetypal energies and move through your initiations to release personal karma. This is the way that Platinum Alchemy Transformational Healing works through your program and life.

As you transcend and integrate the archetypal energy you heal all karma which has caused pain and suffering to you and those in your family line. Following your program will not only benefit you but all those whom you are connected.

Next see The Chakras used in Platinum Alchemy Transformational Healing