Platinum Angels on – Letting Go & Forgiveness Process

Re posted from Ohlara’s original blog in 2008

Platinum Angel Message for March with Ohlara

I thought we should start with our priorities here, and receive some guidance from the Platinum Angels which is always an essential part of our evolution and personal learning.

In the last edition of my newsletter which was Christmas, I was given information for a couple of months and I remember that March was a time when we would sit up and pay attention to our world (inner and outer) and begin to take positive steps to transform our lives for the better. Well, I can actually say that I can definitely relate to this message.

A couple of weekends ago I was teaching my practitioner students a Platinum Alchemy healing technique for releasing the past and forgiveness. I thought this will be a great opportunity for me to have some of my own medicine. They did so well I released all aspects of fear and the past to do with my near-death experience in 1980. Now that’s 28 years I have been carrying some deep physical and emotional pain, fear of death and abandonment, so I consider this to be a huge step.

Since then an old wound flared up and lots of toxins oozed out of it. I have been on bed rest for a week now and this all started because I decided to finally release and forgive people which had been a part of my past. Through deeper understanding I also found this to be part of some destructive dark energy that I did not even know I was locked into. Now in retrospect, I can see how I was locked into this energy and the effect it has had on all my decisions.

I want to let you know that the dark forces are very real and they will stop at nothing to stop light from entering into the earth planes and even try to stop lightworkers do their work.

Fortunately, I have been working with the Platinum Ray and the 12 Platinum Angels which have greatly helped to transmute this darkness and the lower veils of illusion.

The more I learn about them it continues to really excite me and I want to share it with many of you in ways that can help benefit your life.

The positive side of the bed rest for me is that I had lots of time to STOP and reflect on how I was not looking after myself. Understand the depth that I hated myself, due to the accident I had at 19 years of age which left me with physical scars, not to mention the emotional scars which I had never even looked at. So in this period of 7 days, I was able to transform my perception of so many things and wake up on day 8. with the most amazing gratitude and enthusiasm for my life and all that I have and will receive as I continually care for myself.

In my NOW I find it takes me now 2 hours to prepare my juices, take my herbs, and Sensual Self Love Remedies, bath and lovingly dress my old wound, etc then again another 2 hours in the evening to do it all again. So the middle part of the day I do my work and meditation and rest in between to heal my body. Most of this will continue for the best part of the year because I found out last year I had very high heavy metal toxicity, this has proven to be another underlying basis for health challenges I have experienced since a child.

I originally thought all the time I needed to do these things to care for myself was a hassle and I won’t have the time to do my work to help other people. I’m now glad to say that I am faced with the pleasure of my healing and transformation with renewed health and vitality which will continue to grow slowly day by day and make me stronger and stronger to really share the Platinum Alchemy Angel work I have been blessed with.

The reason I am so sure of this is that I have done it all before, I have total confidence in the earth Mother and I know the true healing natural remedies of the earth have for humanity. One secret that I can honestly tell you is that you don’t have to heal the earth you have to heal yourself and your distortion of consciousness that you have from God/Goddess or Source.

So the real message in this communication to you is about

Letting GO – Surrendering

Each time I have been faced with this I have had difficulty with it, I know many of you are also being faced with huge life changes which often provoke the greatest fears which emerge from deep within your psyche. These fears are the reasons you remain separate from your sovereign self God/Goddess/all that is. It is simply a human condition of the lower ego to want to hold on so tight and we just aren’t taught how to let go and flow.

So from my recent experience, I would like to share a simple technique given to me by the Platinum Angels to help you begin to

How to Let GO – Surrender into your truth,

and reconnect to the peace and love which is there for you and always has been.


Sit quietly and write a list of all the people you have not seen eye to eye with or who have left you with emotional pain in your heart.


Choose 1 person who you feel you are ready to forgive and release in your life.


Spend some time and write a letter to this person.

Start the letter with I forgive you for …………… telling them what you forgive them for……

Continue in this way until you have completely written down everything that you want to forgive them for. It may take a day or two to do as you remember and process everything. Give yourself the time to do this.


Once you have completed all the forgiving statements start a new page with all your thank you’s

Eg. I thank you for…

Tell them what you wish to thank them for with your relationship together. Take your time to go through this part fully, this will help with the clearing of curses, hexes and attachments from your energy system freeing you fully.


Have your favourite oracle cards, and angel messenger cards close by, ready and shuffled.


Place the person in your heart, as you think of them choose a card from your oracle cards, and read the meaning of the card you have chosen.

This is a gift from the person you have forgiven and let go of in your life.

From the message make a positive affirmation or statement for yourself and write it down on a clean piece of paper.

Read, contemplate and look at the positive gift this person has given you as you have let them go. You can now hold them in your heart with love and gratitude, knowing that they have helped you step forward and heal an area of your perception or life.

Put your affirmation away in a safe place to use a little later.


Now you have completed this process, take your letter and any other memorabilia that you feel you need to let go of associated with the person or thing you have chosen to let go of.

Choose a method of physically letting it go (most people have a little fire and burn the papers etc)

However you choose to physically let go of these things, it is important to let a part of yourself leave as a symbol of total release.

If you are a menstruating female it is most powerful to use some of the blood you release during your monthly cycle. ( I will leave the details up to your imagination).

If you are male or a non-menstruating female you can add some of your saliva or hair to let go with your physical release ritual.

This is a powerful energetic healing process so please complete it fully.


Once you have burned the papers and a part of yourself, totally letting go, Dispose of the ashes in a thoughtful way, honouring all energies concerned and give thanks and celebrate your new-found freedom.


Now you have your positive affirmation which will help you move forward in the direction you most desire.

Before bed at night meditate or contemplate on your affirmation and the potential that is now offered to you, and allow yourself to dream deeply about your new potential as you are going to sleep.

Use the affirmation every night for the next 21 days.

You can come back and do this special forgiveness release ritual as often as you require.  

For DIY support help with this ritual see Sensual Self Love products for relationship forgiveness triggering, shame, guilt, and anxiety. Awakening Alchemy products for energy attachments and Peace products for forgiveness around addiction, and Crystal Detox Zeolite will support your greater energetic healing through the layers of the subtle bodies. 

I recommend using these products specially developed to help you move through the forgiveness cycle with ease. These formulations were given to me by the Platinum Angels, Arcturian Light Healers and Earth Mother Mutuhu. They are truly magical support when you wish to DIY your forgiveness process.