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What are Spirit Entities?

Yes, its entity clearing, parasite clearing, ghost busting and exorcism time of year once more. At the end of Summer and early Autumn, there is always an increase in the spirits roaming the earth mother. They are lost, many have died suddenly and have nowhere to go but keep us company.

The information surrounding entities can be esoteric and complex so I’m going to share a little bit of information based on experiences in my healing practice of over 25 years and my experiences clearing entities over this time. This will be broken up into bite-size chunks so you can hopefully easily digest it.

From my experience as an energy healer and channel, understanding the truth surrounding entities should be the 1st step in your spiritual evolution and development.

If you have felt  blocked in life for a long time, have constant health issues and are not getting any better after having treatment. Having an  entity check is a good place to start.

To receive a FREE entity check drop me a message with some background info why you think you may have entities affecting you

So what are Spirit Entities?

Spirit Entities can be simply described as a non-physical parasite with a source of some energy consciousness which attaches itself to your subtle energy body just as physical parasites do. Their aim is to live off your energy just like a parasite does to keep itself alive.

The level of consciousness of entities varies along with the effect they have on their host.

Generally, an entity will resonate at a similar frequency to its host, and at some level (often unknown) the host’s unconsciousness will be vibrating at a similar frequency to the entities.

This is only one way an entity can attach itself to you. There are actually many which I will tell share about at the later time.

Spirit Entities can also be connected to your DNA cellular memory. they are most often connected to you through your karmic ancestral lines, and may never be detected from one generation to the next.

This might play out as the whole family being cursed with bad luck, illness, a genetic disease or misfortune and is often set up by a black magician during opportune planetary influences. This may have occurred to one of your ancestors and it attaches to every generation until it is cleared or released.

I’m sure you know what I mean! and! you may have even met people where they have continual bad luck through their life and members of the family also have bad lack.

Working with clients who are actively clearing karma and increasing their personal frequency through the Platinum Alchemy Transformational Healing System and spiritual practices has revealed this to me over many years.

Why Do Entities Attach Themselves to You?

This can differ for each person, but generally, it is because the protective layers of your aura have been damaged or you have been born with them for genetic curses.

What Damages the Aura?

The Auric layers can be damaged from overuse of medicinal drugs, recreational drug use, vaccination, addictions, environmental toxins, EMFs, 5G, mould, experiencing strong emotions like fear, terror, constant abuse, hate, meanness, teasing. Torture of any kind. Accidents, shock, surgery and anesthetics these are some of the things that damage the Aura and make a person vulnerable to entities.

Where there is fear there are entities.

What About Children and Entities

Children are particularly susceptible to entity attachment for several reasons.

1. Their energetic system is more vulnerable because they are open and do not have the stamina of adults or the experience to have strong boundaries in place because they are learning to function in the world. You might have heard that a child is more susceptible to emotional, mental trauma up until the age of 7 or 8 years. This is because their chakra system is open and they continually take in the impressions from the world around them.

This is where inner child healing really comes into its own and supports the healing of any emotional-mental-spiritual damage that was done in our early years.

Getting used to the earth plane can be pretty scary when you are a new baby or child. Children can be easily terrified and psychologically traumatized from adults who yell at them, smack them or even a big dog chasing them or other events like dropping their bottle, toy or ice cream.

This can cause the energy system to collapse leaving their defence low, the equal experience for an adult would be a major shock. A collapsed energy system can leave a child open to attachment by more than one entity.

Children may also invite their own spirit entity who will keep them company or protect them from something they are scared of.

Many children experience this through imaginary friends. This may go unnoticed for years before a problem is recognized and behaviours influencing the soul may be strongly associated with the spirit entity rather than the original soul of the child.

Children like adults can be easily cleared usually with quick results. Platinum Alchemy Psychic healing treatments should be given after a full clearing so the aura can be strengthened and any past memory and trauma fully released. So the child can fully engage in life without interference from a spirit friend/ entity.

What are some signs of Spirit Entity Attachment?

The signs of spirit entity attachment are varied and can range from physical aches, pains, constant allergies and illness to paranoia, (mental illness), delusions, suicidal tendencies, addiction, anger, depression and to complete spirit possession with changes in behaviour.

During Autumn spirit entity attachments tend to be more prominent, everyone is susceptible to them, and during a change in the season. In Autumn they become really bothersome to many people.

A simple lapse in consciousness (awareness), emotional rage, anger, frustration if ongoing, can also be an indication of Spirit Entity Attachment. Drinking to excess, actually doing anything to excess which is damaging to your health.

Genetic Ancestral Entities

Entities within the DNA cellular memory and karmic ancestral lines may play out through genetic illnesses and misfortune for the family members.

This form of possession is like a spell or hex. If it goes on undetected from generation to generation the family line will end up being annihilated. They will remain hidden until there is a deeper understanding from a family member, therapist or friend and this area of health is examined.


Conversations with them may seem out of character and their spirit friends may become inappropriate along with changes in behaviour for no reason. Low vitality, no response to treatment, energy drains, emotional uproars all should be investigated.

During Illness or After Surgery

Changes in personality can be a sign of a shift in soul alignment and spirit entity possession which can delay healing and often leads to depression, anger, and stronger feelings unable to be resolved easily.


When a person has been in an accident they mostly experience shock. This can cause the whole aura to collapse leaving the person vulnerable to spirit entity attachment. Being in a hospitalized situation also brings more dangers of spirit entity attachment, see illness or after surgery above.

Mental Illness and hospitalization in a mental health facility.

Often entity attachment or possession can become worse when in a hospitalized setting as there is already a large volume of spirit entities residing within these places due to the nature of the facility.

Whilst in a mental health facility, patients can become worse through the treatments administered and some even experience more emotional trauma from being in these places, often aggravating their condition rather than making it better. Uncontrollable behaviours of anger and rage plus suicidal actions are a strong indicator of dangerous possession.

Law Enforcement and Jails

It is common for anyone who has committed an act against another or abusive crime to be affected by entities. Facilities which hold individuals for a period of time are definitely affected by entities, and often running these places.

Pregnancy, birth, traumatic birth, miscarriage, pregnancy termination

Incomplete release or integration of the soul can cause shock to the aura in the mother or baby and a quick incomplete birth can leave fragments of the incoming soul in the mother creating spirit entity attachment.

This can lead to changes in personality even experiences such as postnatal depression. It is advisable for any women who have experienced any of the above to be checked for spirit entity attachment. Entities left unchecked can be the cause of many gynecological problems.

As mentioned previously in most cases for a spirit entity attachment to occur there most likely is damage to the aura, allowing an opening for spirit entity attachment, which can lead to a physical health problem.

For full healing to occur in most cases any spirit entity attachments are required to be fully released for health to fully recover. Clearing Chakras via many the DNA strands, healing the aura and releasing spirit entities is a primary function of Platinum Alchemy Transformational Healing system and its associated energy medicines.

So how can I get rid of them if I have them?

Prevention is better than a cure, like anything!

At PureBalance® we teach you to keep your personal vibration high and strong, that’s why we create products and services designed to keep your energy at a high frequency. This allows you to be in control, conscious, and aware starting with a DIY approach.

We also teach healers how to do this specialized work through the Purebalance® Inner Wisdom Academy.

  1. First of all, you need to have an entity check to see if they are bothering you. So shoot me an email and I can tell you more.
  2. Depending on your situation you might be able to take a course of Crystal Detox Baths and this will do the trick, you will need to take more than one bath, 2 baths a week is the minimum required to get yourself clear and these need to be used for 8 weeks.
  3. Often you may require more assistance with entity clearing, this si why it is best to have an entity check to see what the core problem is.

These baths have lots of benefits and will help in all ways with your general health on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels.

They are real crystalline minerals, not to be confused with clay or salts of any kind, once you use them you will know what I mean.

A therapeutic dose of 100gm will do amazing things, if you wanted to use other products on the market you will need at least 1 to 2 kg per bath to come anywhere near the effect of Crystal Detox Bath Minerals.

Like I said, depending on your situation, you might need to also find is a healer who is specially trained in this area and have them removed. This is always done through distant-remote healing, I will tell you how to choose a healer in the next article.

To receive a FREE entity check drop me a message with some background info why you think you may have entities affecting you

If you have experienced any of the above it is recommended to have an entity check

Updated March 2021 ©2013 April 8th,  Kim Lansdowne-Walker ‘Amohba Ohlara Taja Suvenit’