This essence was made February 2010, at this time the east coast of Australia experienced a Tsunami warning and I remember waking at 2 am in the morning in my hotel room looking out over the Coral Sea. At this time I was guided to work with the Platinum Ray to dissipate the build-up of energies within the Earth Mother along the eastern sea border of Australia.
My trip to Cairns at this time was guided by the Platinum Ray Elohim of which 5 new Platinum Alchemy Flower essences were made. This essence has not been used to date. Only now I am guided to make it available. The following is the message I received from the She Oak and Earth Mother in the manufacturing process.
From the She-Oak
I am Lemuria, land of the lost and essence of the Divine Feminine and Masculine.
The memory of the healing altars of the priests and priestesses will be activated in the crystalline fields and structures of the users of my essence.
Near water and sky I hold the primordial creation of source and activate the memory of oneness, union and balance in the receiver.
Stepping down from sources creation the celestial remembrance of connection to the divine will be activated and remembered in the cellular bodies as I am ingested.
The remembrance is all embracing, all loving and deeply nurturing and knows no separation from the creative source. When ingested the angels of the crystalline body will gently restructure atomic levels so full remembrance can be returned to your consciousness.
The energy which is discharged from your core will be softened and the angulation of masculine energy will support the circulation of the divine womb which will provide healing for many.
The separation of masculine and feminine experienced over time will gently be restored to wholeness as the movement of energy takes place.
At individual times you will act out the masculine, then the feminine until the restoration and balance is complete. When complete your power will be fully integrated in your heart and on the surface of the Earth mother allowing for all co-dependency situations to be easily identified, integrated and healed most instantly.
I am for both men and women and work together to integrate all which has past, so balance may be restored on and in the minds of all connected to the evolutionary conscious functioning at the divine order of oneness.
She-Oak flower essence is available here